Free August 2012 Desktop Calendar
August crept up on me….time again for your free desktop calendars. This month I have four to choose from…..first up, a lone acorn…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. You know there will be a flower included…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. A forgotten bell caught my eye one evening at sunset…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six…
Destination: Charlotte/Catawba
Been away for a bit…. …back home now….heat and humidity welcomed us with hot, muggy arms…. …while our hearts were still lingering with those that we love. Thanks for having us Papa and Nina…. ♥ We love and miss you both! ♥
Another Free Desktop Calendar For April
I decided I needed another free desktop calendar…one with a more masculine theme and what is more masculine than creatures. Trust me, this was taken with a zoom, I wasn’t this close…..I don’t know if these creatures jump and I would have really freaked if it had jumped on me.
I was taking several shots of this gecko sunning himself when he changed positions, did his little push-up dance and out came the bright red pouch. It was almost as if he knew just what I was hoping he would do. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here to get this calendar. There are six high…
Outside My Window ~ 4.3.11
Outside My Window…is dark and with some high clouds. The temperature at 8:30 is currently 59° with little to no chance of rain. Oh…and this happens to be the weather at my parents house in Catawba, South Carolina where I am currently relaxing. 8) I am thinking…that because I am in the midst of relaxing time, this will be short and sweet tonight. I am glad…I am able to travel and spend time with my parents. From my kitchen…is not a thing at the moment, but I will leave this paragraph in future postings and highlight a different recipe I have tried or discovered. I am currently working on…lowering my blood pressure, clearing the…
Little Friends
I have been going through the many, many photos I took while visiting my parents in Catawba, South Carolina. Many of those photos were of the hummingbirds that visit their feeders. I’m not talking about one or two birds……there were occasions when there would be as many as 15 to 20 birds competing for the four feeders at the same time. It was hysterical watching them…..they did have a way to make you laugh, especially when they took away the feeders for cleaning and refilling. Some of them were quite brave and would buzz close and take a look at us on the porch watching them….others were quite shy. It is…
Outside My Window ~ 8.15.10
Outside My Window…is not the warm, sunny days spent relaxing in Catawba while lounging on the back porch and enjoying the many, many hummingbirds that were visiting the feeders at my parents house. We are home again…back in Southeast Virginia and experiencing seasonal temperatures for today. At 2:00 p.m., temperature is at 86ºF with 49% humidity…..actually it is not too bad outside right now. It has been worse. There are some high clouds now and again which are filtering the sun out a bit…but for the most part a sunny day. Forecast for today is 90ºF, light winds and a slight chance of rain. I am thinking…about several different things I want to work…
Outside My Window ~ 4.25.10
Outside My Window…right now the sun is trying to break through and disrupt our cloudy day. Temperature is 72º with 77% humidity…..in other words, muggy! Our forecast high is 81º with a chance of scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. It has been cloudy all weekend with rain off and on. Not terrible weather, but I have held off on planting the flower seeds this weekend. I didn’t want a down pour to wash them away. Hopefully I can get them in the ground later this week. I am thinking…that I wish I was still on vacation and relaxing here…. Granted, that means I would have been there for three weeks and probably…
Adventures of a Catawba Squirrel
First…..check to see if it is clear….. …..then you scamper across the yard…. ….sometimes you gotta hop to get there….. …..and you know when you are getting close…… ….cause a squirrels gotta do what a squirrels gotta do.
A Few Images
I think the spring cleaning bug has bitten me. I have been cleaning almost non stop since I got home from my vacation in Catawba. Not only cleaning, but reorganizing and rearranging. I have been going and going….I’m happy with the results, but it has taken a great deal of my time and left me quite exhausted. I’m posting a few images from my trip. Actually, there are not tons of photos this time. I did take quite a few, but not as many as the last time. One reason ~ unbelievable pollen while we were there kept us in the house a good deal of the time. We did…
Setting Up House
My parents have a couple of blue bird houses set up on their property here in Catawba, South Carolina. Meet the new Blue Bird residents of this house….they have built their nest and laid some eggs. They will soon have four children ~ possibly more before all is said and done. This morning was spent lounging around the human house…..a very relaxing morning. Later, we went to the movies and saw “The Bounty Hunter” with Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston. It wasn’t a bad movie ~ kind of cute with some funny moments, but I have to agree with my father ~ they took a 30 minute story and stretched it out over an hour…