Birthday Wishes
The only thing better than having you for a mom…. ….is my children having you for a Grandma. Happy Birthday….We love you Dranma!!
Cameron Cupcakes
Working on final photo selections from the baby shower this past Sunday….. These were quite tasty…more later.
A New Year
The year 2009 is a memory. Was it a good year….a bad year….many people will be debating that question in the months and possibly years to come. Now there is a New Year…a new decade…a new beginning. Each new year brings a clean slate ~ a chance to start fresh, begin new things, forget bad habits, improve yourself and your life. Resolutions are made and everything is within reach on this first day of the shiny New Year. I enjoy numerology so on this first day of January, I determined what my personal year is and its influence. In numerology, the world turns in nine year cycles….in 2010, my personal year…
Happy New Year!
( Cardinal compliments of Shadowhouse Creations )
Outside My Window ~ 12.27.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful morning. Blue skies, sunshine a bit chilly at 42F with a 38F wind chill. The forecast for today doesn’t change much….a high of 56 with some clouds coming in this afternoon. We had a lot of rain with a high of 56 on Christmas Day. It didn’t begin to rain until around 2:00, but it continued throughout the night. Yesterday we woke up to cloudy skies and fog, but still relatively mild temps. For the coming week the temps will hover in the low to mid 40’s. I am thinking…about what I want to do today. Now is the time to get rolling on my list of things…
Outside My Window ~ 12.20.09
Outside My Window…is snow! We got our first snow of the season last night. I would say we got about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in my neighborhood. It started snowing about the time we went to the mall to pick Alanna up from work. By the time we got to our house, it was coming down at a pretty good rate. Right now at 11:30 am, we are at our high temperature of 37F with a 28F wind chill. The snow has melted for the most part on the roadways and is starting to melt in the grassy areas of full sun. I took a few photos last night and this morning ~ I know,…
Outside My Window ~ 12.13.09
Outside My Window…is rain! Yes, rain……cause everyone knows we could sure use it. We were actually in danger of some of the larger puddles drying out!
Seriously though…….it is raining, again. The forecast for today is to receive about a half an inch today. In normal conditions, a half an inch wouldn’t really mean all that much…..in our current condition, it just adds to the saturation. Right now at 9:30 a.m. we are at 56F, which is a great improvement over the 33F mornings we have been experiencing these last few days. We won’t get much warmer today, only a high of 59F. This temperature high will only last a couple of…
Oh Christmas Tree……
I’m home today……..my youngest daughter is not feeling well. She was running a fever this morning and said she had awaken earlier in the morning with chills. She is old enough to stay alone if she wants to, but this morning she said she didn’t want to be alone today. It was my first clue that she really doesn’t feel good, so off came my work clothes and made the call to my supervisor. I took the opportunity to get some photos of our Christmas tree. This tree was purchased by my dearest friend David (from California) when he visited one year. It was during the Thanksgiving holidays and I brought my trusty old…
Happy Thanksgiving!
At this time of year, I always remember the words from a song……… “Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s House we go…….” I can’t recall the title…..but the words always run through my head when Thanksgiving rolls around for some reason……… “The horse knows the way, to carry the sleigh………” There is also something else I remember when Thanksgiving rolls around……one of my favorite quotes regarding Thanksgiving……. Buffy to Willow: With mom at Aunt Darlene’s this year, I’m not getting a Thanksgiving. Guess maybe that is just as well. Anya: Well, I think that’s a shame, I love a ritual sacrifice. Buffy: Not really so much one…
Outside My Window ~ 11.22.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful morning. At 10:00 am, we are at 56F with 79% humidity, sunshine, blue skies with a few white fluffy clouds here and there. Very nice indeed. I was out and about early this morning to work in my side yard gathering up leaves and pulling some weeds. I finally got my daisy gardenia transplanted as well. I will miss it on my front porch. While it was in bloom, each time I walked in and out the door I was able to enjoy the wonderful aroma. It stated on the information tag that it was suited for pots, I’m thinking not so much. I’m hoping it does…