Happy Samhain
Long ago at the end of the third and final harvest, the Celts celebrated Samhain. It was a time to commune with and remember the dead, a celebration of the eternal cycle of reincarnation. One of the possible sources for the origin of the name Samhain is from the Irish Gaelic word “samhraidh read”, which means the summer’s end. It marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter for the Celts. The day after Samhain is the official date of the Celtic New Year. This day was chosen as the date to celebrate because it was at this time the sun was at it’s lowest point on the horizon…
It’s Done.
Finally, the web site….it’s done. I published it this afternoon. There are still a few things I would like to change, but that can be done with regular maintenance. Basically, what you see is what it will be….more inventory to come once the curing, mixing and stirring is complete. Visit me here ~ let me know what you think. Thank you for putting up with my constant chatter these past few months about getting it done….hmmmmm, now what else can I obsess about?
Today Is Her Birthday
Eighteen years ago today, I finally understood the real meaning of unconditional love……a love that envelopes your very being…….a love that really cannot be put into words. Eighteen years ago today, as I held my sweet baby in my arms for the first time, I felt it rush over my body like an ocean wave as tears of ultimate joy ran down my face. I had loved people in my life….my parents, my siblings, my extended family….a few boyfriends and at the time, my ex-husband. I loved my baby girl as she kicked and squirmed inside of me all those long months, but when I actually held her in my arms, it…
Happy 4th of July Everyone!
Today America celebrates Independence Day. Take a minute today to remember those who sacrificed so much so that we may celebrate freely. Photo: Blue skies of Virginia by Magikal Folk. Thanks to happysweetmama for the use of the American Flag and KRSPO for the use of Lady Liberty in the creation of my photo.
Outside My Window ~ 6.21.09
Outside My Window…is a partly cloudy, windy and 83 degree day. This is a big improvement over yesterday’s 96 degrees. It was quite hot and miserable yesterday. I ventured outside for my run early in the morning, back out to get some neighborhood photos for the blog and then I was pretty much an indoor kitty yesterday!
I am thinking…about how quickly this year has gone by. Is it me or has this year just flown by so far? It doesn’t seem like spring was that long ago much less the first day of summer already. I am thankful for…the two most important men in my life…….my father and…
Outside My Window ~ 6.7.2009
Outside My Window…sun is finally coming out……currently 68 degrees with a forecasted high of 80 with a mix of clouds and sun. It is fairly humid outside, probably as a result of all the rain we got Friday evening. And did it rain! I just noticed on the weather channel our rain total for the month of June is 2 ¼ inches……..I wouldn’t be at all surprised if most of that came Friday night. It would pour rain, slack off a little bit for a couple of minutes and then pour rain again. This went on from late afternoon into the night. But everything is so green and clean looking…
Welcome Spring ~
Today, March 20th, marks the Vernal Equinox…….one of the two days each year between the 19th and the 21st when the night and daylight hours are virtually equal. The other happens in September. This is a time of rebirth and celebration as the earth awakens from her winter slumber, flowers and trees bloom and the temperatures begin to warm the ground and our bodies. A beautiful day in my neighborhood………hope yours is too!