The Community Photo Challenge ~ Storms I took this Monday afternoon as I was leaving work….. ….moments before the bottom fell out. I was going to use an old photo of storm clouds but decided against it when this opportunity presented itself. I decided early on I wanted my challenge photos to be fresh if at all possible. While it appears I have processed this one as a black and white image, I have not. The bare trees and dark clouds did that all by themselves.
Visit the link to see the other entries.
Weird Weather
We have had some really weird weather around here today. When I got up it appeared to have rained sometime in the early morning hours….ground a bit wet and cloudy. A little time passes and we have blue skies and sunshine….the wind picked up and my wind chimes began to sing. Not too long after that, it began to snow so hard you could barely see across the street…..a few minutes later we have blue skies and sunshine again. We had a few flurries a little later but then clear sky once again. It was really bizarre.
“And So Goes My Heart…”
One of my favorite locations to take photographs is the boat dock area near my mother’s house. That area happens to be across the Warwick River from Fort Eustis Army Base. From time to time you will hear them doing exercises….it could be a bit unsettling if you were not expecting the sound of weapons exercises. And on several occasions helicopters will fly down the river heading back to the base. This shot was taken with my Canon point and shoot last year about this time. I adjusted and processed the image in Lightroom and Topaz, finally resizing and watermarking in PSE7. This is one of the images I didn’t think I could use…
Thursday Evening
First the clouds exploded all around….. and then the rain came.
Outside My Window ~ 8.2.10
Outside My Window…is a different view than you normally hear about. I’m publishing this from work today so there is still mad construction going on outside my window. If you remember I told you about the view from my office and the heavy equipment previously….well, it isn’t that close now and it appears they are trying to wrap up this segment of the Power Plant upgrade. Of course they dug a trench around the building this morning and have roped the area off not to long after everyone arrived ~ not sure how they expect people to get in and out ~ but when 4:30 rolls around this afternoon, they will either have it opened back up…
Some of My Favorites
I may have mentioned a time or two that I went to the beach for a couple of days not too long ago.
You saw the house we stayed at and besides those, I took many other photos while there. A good deal of them were of the family and the kids that came down. I have been working on those photos most of the day…picking out the best ones so I can burn a disk for my brother’s family. While I’m taking a break from that…I thought I would show you a few of my favorites from the trip. My daughter (left) and her best friend.
The morning started out beautifully….. I caught the clouds at sunrise. I was hopeful….could there be rain? No rain….the only water droplets today were my tears. Problems arrived this afternoon…. an unpleasant task that needs to be taken care of as a result. I was thinking of the chorus to a popular song I have heard on the radio station my daughter listens to….. “Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now…a wish right now….a wish right now.” I really could.
Hot and Hotter
It literally feels like you could melt if you stayed outside long enough. The heat and humidity is brutal and oppressive ~ it is after 7 and it still feels like 95ºF outside. Our region is under a heat advisory until 8:00 tomorrow evening. I thought for sure this exploding cloud would bring some welcome rain……but not a drop fell. I’m heading out now to offer some relief to my plants ~ it doesn’t appear we are going to get any rain today either.
One Gray Day
What started off as a sunny day has turned gray….. thunderstorms tonight with rain and wind tomorrow. I like gray days sometimes.
No Shadows Here
The groundhogs in this area will be shadow free today…..there is no sunshine only clouds that will bring us more moisture.