My Morning With The Hawks
This morning at work I had to run an errand which required a trip across the historic campus. I enjoyed the walk this morning and had the campus practically to myself…students are out on spring break this week. As I was walking back to my office, something swooped past me and landed in the tree in front of me…..a Cooper’s Hawk. Suddenly I realized where I was on campus ~ well, let me clarify…after I saw the hawk and realized where I was at that moment, I knew this was one of the pair of Cooper’s Hawks that had taken up residence in one of the beech trees by Washington Hall…
My Second Choice
Yesterday I posted my entry for Storms in the Community Photo Challenge. This was my second choice. I took this one around 2:00 Monday afternoon, earlier than the one I submitted. This is the roof of the building I work in. I don’t work upstairs in this area….the offices have high ceilings and the desks sit well below the windows, which surround the entire top of the building. Nice offices, lots of light…even a little secret passage. But it is also hotter than hell in the summer and frosty in the winter….makes me appreciate my little space with only two windows that much more.
Happy Birthday William & Mary
318 Years Old
No Charge
The College of William and Mary has some amazing rooftops. I was thinking about all the wonderful photographs I could get from this rooftop. Of course I’m afraid of heights so that could be a problem.
The contractors my neighbor called came to take a quick look at the roof today. They believe there several possibilities that could be causing the problem. We made an appointment for them to return next week to begin an in-depth investigation….at no charge. I like the no charge part of it.
Outside My Window ~ 9.26.10
Outside My Window…right now it is 74ºF with cloud cover, a chance of thunderstorms this evening ~ and I have been told it feels cool in the house. Sweet! We actually had moisture fall from the sky last night….I believe it is called rain? You know I exaggerate a bit but it has been forever since we have had rain puddles around my house. And cooler temperatures ~ I welcome thee with open arms!! From my kitchen…is an early dinner of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and broccoli with cheese. A special request from my oldest who is coming home from work for her dinner break. I haven’t cooked a big meal at…
Credit Due
Earlier last month, the College of William and Mary hosted an employee appreciation luncheon for all the staff at the College. It is something they do each year….it is something we look forward to each year. The event is held in the Wren yard so while the temperatures are generally warm for the event, we are usually enjoying a light breeze under a huge canopy of shade trees. People are recognized for their longevity with the College and the State. Door Prizes are also given…some quite nice. But the reason we look forward to this day isn’t the shade trees, the break from work, the catered lunch….not even the door prizes ~ although the…
This Moment #4
{this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see. (copyright SouleMama 2010) . Inspired by SouleMama and passed on to me by CoffeeShop Free Actions….why not leave your moment there as well.
The President’s House
The President’s House at The College of William and Mary is the the oldest official residence for a college president in the United States. For more on the history of this house, visit this site.
Outside My Window ~ 4.18.10
Outside My Window…is the ending to a marvelous day today. The temperature was mild….a nice breeze with blue skies and sunshine. We had rain showers yesterday morning but it cleared up nicely by the afternoon, which carried over into today. I spent a large part of the afternoon working in the backyard….weeding and planting a few new flowers. The tomato plants I picked up last weekend are doing really well ~ one of the reasons I love summer….fresh veggies are so plentiful! I am thinking…how incredibly fast the time goes by during the weekends. The work days seem to drag on forever ~ even when I’m swamped with work. I…
Let It Rain?
Our forecast for Wednesday was a rain/mix with a chance of snow showers…on my way to work, it was raining lightly, and then it began to snow…. ….and after I got to work, it began to snow harder……. …..and harder……… ….we began to hear rumors that the College was going to be closing ~ excitement was in the air. You can’t tell from the photo above, but to the right is quite a steep hill which leads down to our parking area and the maintenance shops. Almost right after the rumor began, a semi truck came to make a delivery….he began to go down the hill….slid sideways and got stuck ~ blocking the…