Outside My Window ~ 6.13.10
Outside My Window…is Africa ~ oh wait, it is only 68 in Kenya right now so we are hotter than Africa. In all fairness, it is dark o’clock over there….but our high today of 90 will be very close to their high for the day. Currently at 12:15 it is 84ºF but feels like 91ºF when you factor in the 74% humidity. Yes, 74% ~ it feels like a wet blanket draped over you as soon as you walk outside. Quite tropical…which is why I’m happy I’m inside right now. I am thinking…I need to get my butt moving or the day will be done and I won’t have accomplished much.
I am thankful…
If you are so inclined…
….and you are ready to take your creativity to the next level ~ choose one artistic medium, and then visit her space…. Creativity Boot Camp is a two week intensive e-course designed to take your creativity to the next level. The course will consist of daily creative conditioning exercises to shift your life patterns allowing for a full embracing of your creative selves leading to higher levels of creativity. {click the image} It’s not too late to join in… ….and it is free!
I have choosen photography ~ and I will display my images here at the end.