I really like these frames….I think they add something to the photographs. I’m using frames from Isabelle LaFrance again tonight….I have several others from CoffeeShop Free Actions that I want to play around with too. I have also been trying my hand at making my own….perhaps I will be able to offer a free download myself some day soon.
This is my first entry into the two P52 projects I decided to join this year. The first is P52 – A Less Ambitious 365 ~ I love that name by the way ~ and MCP Project 52. Both of these projects are hosted on Flickr so you will need to be a…
Outside My Window ~ 6.13.10
Outside My Window…is Africa ~ oh wait, it is only 68 in Kenya right now so we are hotter than Africa. In all fairness, it is dark o’clock over there….but our high today of 90 will be very close to their high for the day. Currently at 12:15 it is 84ºF but feels like 91ºF when you factor in the 74% humidity. Yes, 74% ~ it feels like a wet blanket draped over you as soon as you walk outside. Quite tropical…which is why I’m happy I’m inside right now. I am thinking…I need to get my butt moving or the day will be done and I won’t have accomplished much.
I am thankful…
I’m fascinated with HDR photos. For those that may not be familiar with what exactly that is…..check out this Flickr group to see some of the many photos posted on there. The definition of HDR as per Wikipedia….. In image processing, computer graphics, and photography, high dynamic range imaging (HDRI or just HDR) is a set of techniques that allow a greater dynamic range of luminance’s between the lightest and darkest areas of an image than standard digital imaging techniques or photographic methods. This wider dynamic range allows HDR images to more accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes, ranging from direct sunlight to faint starlight.…
Outside My Window ~ 6.6.10
Outside My Window…is unbelievably hot and sunny! When I walked outside early this morning I couldn’t believe how hot it was. Currently it is 86ºF but feels like 93ºF with 64% humidity at 11:00 this morning. Our high today is suppose to reach 95ºF. I’m not surprised we have a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon and this evening….I will be surprised if nothing materializes because it feels quite tropical outside. I also noticed our area is a 3 on the Weather Channel TorCon index….so that means we have a 30% chance of a tornado in this area. Fortunately, they are not the norm for us. I am thinking…how many more critters am I…
Outside My Window ~ 4.18.10
Outside My Window…is the ending to a marvelous day today. The temperature was mild….a nice breeze with blue skies and sunshine. We had rain showers yesterday morning but it cleared up nicely by the afternoon, which carried over into today. I spent a large part of the afternoon working in the backyard….weeding and planting a few new flowers. The tomato plants I picked up last weekend are doing really well ~ one of the reasons I love summer….fresh veggies are so plentiful! I am thinking…how incredibly fast the time goes by during the weekends. The work days seem to drag on forever ~ even when I’m swamped with work. I…
Way Behind
It was my intent to catch up on uploading photos to my Flickr account while I was on vacation….that didn’t happen. I decided I didn’t want to spend my vacation doing that….I liked visiting with my parents much better.
So I’m thinking tonight, why not work on catching things up. It sounded like a plan so I sat down and began to go back in time to see where I left off. I have uploaded some random things here and there ~ but I soon discovered I am way, way behind! I uploaded some October photos in December….and that was it. I’m all the way back in November….the images in this post are a sampling…..yes…
Happy St Patrick’s Day + 200
Welcome St. Patrick’s Day 2010. I believe in a previous life I must have lived, loved and died in Ireland. I don’t believe there is a single place on this planet that I have wanted to set foot on more than the Emerald Isle, or Eire. The land calls to me…..and when I look at images, especially older ones like the one above, it feels so familiar. ~ Sigh ~ Perhaps one day I will wander the hills and shores…..and know this is home. There are so many things associated with St. Patrick’s Day….green being the number one thing that comes to mind. Always had to wear green to avoid being pinched. I…
Run Run Running
Some of you may or may not know this, but I’m a runner. I’m a morning runner…….I get up bright and early, especially on the days I work, and run. Rain or shine, cold or hot, I run….and I love it. I didn’t start until I was 43, but I was immediately hooked. There is nothing like it. Sadly, I haven’t been able to run lately. My foot is giving me problems again. Weird thing is, it doesn’t bother me when I run ~ it is walking on it afterwards I have to worry about. So I have been giving it a break lately…..let it rest and heal. I suffer from Plantar Fasciitis. Here…
Outside My Window ~ 12.27.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful morning. Blue skies, sunshine a bit chilly at 42F with a 38F wind chill. The forecast for today doesn’t change much….a high of 56 with some clouds coming in this afternoon. We had a lot of rain with a high of 56 on Christmas Day. It didn’t begin to rain until around 2:00, but it continued throughout the night. Yesterday we woke up to cloudy skies and fog, but still relatively mild temps. For the coming week the temps will hover in the low to mid 40’s. I am thinking…about what I want to do today. Now is the time to get rolling on my list of things…
Outside My Window ~ 11.15.09
Outside My Window…is no wind and rain! Yeah! Fortunately, the low pressure system that caused us so many problems is well off the coast of North Carolina now. I woke up early and saw some blue skies while the sun was rising, but clouds took over. I just looked outside and it looks like that is attempting to burn off right now. We are at 55F right now with about 87% humidity, but the best part….winds are non-existent!! Our high is suppose to reach 72F today with partly cloudy skies. We are still under a coastal flood watch until around 10 this morning. I guess all the folks right on the coast…