Outside My Window ~ 5.15.11
Outside my window…is a Sunday that didn’t quite know what it wanted to do. Cloudy….rain….sun….cloudy….more rain….more sun. Currently, at 8:00 p.m., we are at 72°F with cloudy skies…there may even be a few rain drops falling as I sit here. Looks like we have had a little over a quarter inch of rain in the past 24 hours ~ I think most of that fell last night during some storms that moved through our area. When I went to bed it was raining quite hard with lots of lightening and thunder. It is quite humid outside right now, 78%…and if you are doing any type of activity out there right now, you know it. I…
Outside My Window ~ 3.13.11
Outside My Window…is a twilight sky as the sun sets on this amazing day. It was beautiful….we had a high temperature of 70°F, mostly sunny and just a slight breeze….definitely a spring teaser. I wandered around the yard this weekend ~ I should have been picking up some leaves and pulling some weeds, but I just looked. I’m actually a little hesitant to start weeding right now ~ I’m afraid I may pull up a would be flower so I wait a little bit, until I’m certain it is a weed. The violets are coming back nicely ~ but they are a type of weed so they are fairly hardy. I have…
Remember this…..my beautiful, almost ripe tomato? The one I was so patiently waiting to fully ripen so I could enjoy tomato-ey goodness….my very first ripe tomato of the season. I could taste it…..it was going to be perfect. So I head outside to get my little red beauty….my perfectly ripened tasty wonder. I reach down to pluck it off the vine and feel something not quite right on the back side…..so I turn it around and…… ……something beat me to it!!!!!
And that just sucks.
Outside My Window ~ 5.30.10
Outside My Window…is a warm, hazy morning. Currently it is 78ºF with 76% humidity and partly sunny skies. The forecast high for today is 91ºF with a threat of thunderstorms. This heat combined with high humidity equals a soupy enough mixture to create afternoon thunderstorms. For Memorial Day they are forecasting a high of 94ºF with sunny skies….sounds like a perfect beach day although I probably will not be going. I still enjoy the beach but I don’t enjoy the heat and humidity so much any more.
I am thinking…about a site I witnessed last night with my neighbor as we stood outside and talked. It was around dusk….the sun…
Outside My Window ~ 5.16.10
Outside My Window…is a beautiful, sun shiny day right now. Current temperature at 1:20 is in the mid 70’s with rain expected later this afternoon or evening. We also have a chance of thunderstorms later. Thunderstorms have been the norm the past few evenings around here and last night was no exception. The claps of thunder were so loud they woke me from a very deep sleep….and as each daughter came out of their room this morning they asked if I heard the thunder last night. It was as if powerful explosions were going off right outside the house…..and then the rains came pouring down. I am thinking…since I have set…
Outside My Window ~ 5.2.10
Outside My Window…is a very warm morning. Already the temps are at 78º with partly cloudy skies…actually more sun than clouds right now. Combine the humidity it feels like 81º outside at 9:25 am. Our forecast high for today is 94º with winds 15 to 25mph. This sounds like a forecast for a summer day, not early May when our average temperature is 70º. The beaches are definitely welcoming visitors this weekend but with the winds, you will feel like you are being sandblasted. To get some relief, you may venture into the water….except while the air temperature is very hot, the water temperature is still spring temperatures…that means you will be wading…
Outside My Window ~ 4.11.10
Outside My Window…is the end of a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Mid 70’s…..sunshine…..blue skies….just a slight breeze ~ simply beautiful. I spent the better part of today working outside, weeding and trimming. Combined with the hauling and work I did today with the mad house cleaning from yesterday, I probably won’t be able to move tomorrow.
I am thinking…I’m going to share with you the greatest and most economical weed block I have ever used. Last year in Mother Earth News someone wrote about using newspaper as weed block. The method is to lay down newspaper in the area you want to block weeds and wet it thoroughly. Cover the wet…
Wild Violets
Did you know that wild violets are considered a weed? It is classified as difficult to control because it has waxy leaves, an extensive root system and is fairly resistant to weed killers. Actually, I’m very happy they are so resistant because look how pretty!
Not many people actively plant weeds in their garden ~ now you can say you know someone who does.
Outside My Window ~ 3.14.10
Outside My Window…is a cloudy and dark evening. I’m a bit late today but thought I would change it up some and do one in the evening. I was on a roll this morning, the weather was decent and I took advantage of it to get some things done outside. Of course, we have had rain since Thursday so it was pretty wet but I did manage to get a few weeds pulled. Most of my outside time was spent cleaning out the shed. I had made a note to do that as soon as possible ever since the night I had to go check a breaker and almost couldn’t…
Red, White, Blue with a little bit of Yellow & Orange
Yippy Skippy….my largest tomato finally started turning red today! I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to turn and at the same time deciding if there was such a thing as a healthy fried green tomato. We had another round of thunderstorms this afternoon and as I often do when I get home from work after a round of storms, I check to see if “everyone” survived in the garden. I was thrilled to see this flash of red on an otherwise green bush! I applied CoffeeShop Vivid Action on this photo……yes, I’m still having way too much fun with these actions. For my white selection, I have a…