• Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 5.16.10

    Outside My Window…is a beautiful, sun shiny day right now.  Current temperature at 1:20 is in the mid 70’s  with rain expected later this afternoon or evening.  We also have a chance of thunderstorms later.  Thunderstorms have been the norm the past few evenings around here and last night was no exception.  The claps of thunder were so loud they woke me from a very deep sleep….and as each daughter came out of their room this morning they asked if I heard the thunder last night.  It was as if powerful explosions were going off right outside the house…..and then the rains came pouring down.   I am thinking…since I have set…

  • Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    A Run Through The Neighborhood….

    One of the nice things about running through your neighborhood is the sites you see……the different flowers, different wildlife, different ways people landscape their yards, and of course the people.  There is a couple (he is a massage therapist and personal trainer, she is a teacher) that gets up early and run….some mornings they are sitting on their porch enjoying a beverage afterwards and are always quick to shout  “hello, how are you” and “you’re looking good, keep up the great work” as I run past.  A little encouragement never hurt anyone! During my run this morning, I was thinking about what kind of post I could do today….and I thought why not…