Being Still
I sent out an email to family and friends recently and told them I was “amazed that it is already August…this year has just flown by as far as I’m concerned. It makes me almost dizzy when I look back at the year and remember certain events and highlights…and the summer, almost a blur! I have come to the conclusion that I don’t always have to be doing something….it is ok to be still. Sometimes it is nice to just sit…to look around and really see…to take a moment to listen to the sounds of life. I’m practicing enjoying silence….enjoying just being still.” I was recalling a night recently when thoughts were…
Wordless Wednesday
Photo Walk Images
I have a few images from my photo walk on Saturday to share with you…
Outside My Window ~ 10.2.2011
Outside my window…is a dark and cloudy night {I love it when I can write that
} …and it is cold. Well, not freezing cold, but compared to what we have been experiencing lately…it is cold. And it feels good too. Currently at 8:45 p.m. we are at 54°F and a forecast low of 46°F is expected for the evening. Our high tomorrow is set for 61°F with a few showers and another chilly evening with a low of 47°F. The rest of this week will be pretty much the same until it finally warms up to 76°F on Saturday. My youngest told me yesterday she is not ready…
Things That Made Me Smile This Week
Visiting with my niece and her family while they were here on vacation… More bee action on the lavender… Friends who provide farm fresh goodness in pretty baskets… Enjoying a rainbow that followed a rain storm… …which was followed by amazing blue skies…. …and a prettiful sunset!
But the biggest smile of all….my first red tomato!! Sweet! What made you smile this week?
♫ Somewhere ♫ …
♫ …over the rainbow… ♫ ♫ …way up high… ♫ At sunset tonight… I saw a plane fly into a rainbow. I wonder if it looked as awesome up there as it did down here?
Outside My Window ~ 8.2.10
Outside My Window…is a different view than you normally hear about. I’m publishing this from work today so there is still mad construction going on outside my window. If you remember I told you about the view from my office and the heavy equipment previously….well, it isn’t that close now and it appears they are trying to wrap up this segment of the Power Plant upgrade. Of course they dug a trench around the building this morning and have roped the area off not to long after everyone arrived ~ not sure how they expect people to get in and out ~ but when 4:30 rolls around this afternoon, they will either have it opened back up…
Wonderful… Wet…. Rain….. Finally! And it left something nice to look at when it was done…