• Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 3.28.10

    Outside My Window…the sun is setting and the clouds are building up once again.  We have a pretty high chance of thunderstorms this evening with rain continuing throughout the day Monday.  Today for the most part was a beautiful day….temps were not as high as last weekend, quite a bit cooler actually.  But we did have a lot of sunshine and it was very nice while sitting in the sun.  We have another low pressure system that is going to move up the coast tonight and tomorrow…there have been so many since last fall I have lost count.  On the plus side, the rain helps keeps the pollen down…..on the…

  • Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    33 Years Ago…..

    Thirty three years ago, my boyfriend at that time and I decided we wanted an adventure. I was 22, he was 27.   We were both from the East Coast….I had traveled some in my young years because my father and stepfather were in the Navy……he had spent his entire life in Virginia.  I was from the coast, he was from the Piedmont area.  We met while working together at a hotel in Williamsburg ~ at that time known as the Best Western 1776.  He was a waiter, I was a desk clerk.  We met….dated….and fell in love.  After a period of dating, we moved in together and planned our adventure.  We saved and…

  • Life In General,  Road Trips

    Road Trip ~ Conclusion

    As I conclude the tale of our road trip, I wanted to share a few more random photos with you.  There was a full moon during my visit and try as I might, I was unable to get a photo of one that I was really happy with while it was dark….but I did get one early in the morning on the day we left… I’m still a work in progress when it comes to moon shots, but I was pretty happy with this one.  🙂    There were also some pretty amazing sunsets…. There was a shopping day while we were there of course.  Seriously, have you ever known teen aged girls to go somewhere…

  • Family,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Road Trip ~ Part II ~ The New Place

    My parents ~ fondly known as Papa and Nina since the grandchildren came along ~ have lived in many places.  My father’s work and family circumstances made the many moves necessary.  The closest to me was Asheville, North Carolina….the furthest was Saudia Arabia.   They have declared this their last move, they have found their dream home.  It was built by a custom builder for him and his family.  Although it may look quite large……it really isn’t.  It is a spacious home….but not overly so.  What makes this home so nice is the little amenities they put in that you wouldn’t normally find in a house of this size.  They had just moved in and…

  • Family,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Road Trip ~ Part I

    While it has been a month since I took my trip to South Carolina, I have yet to post my photos from the trip as I promised.  I thought I should break it up into different posts because there are quite a few photos I would like to share with you.  When I planned the trip, I decided I wanted to take a road less traveled to the interstate.  Well, actually the road is a four lane route and fairly well traveled, but it takes you through Suffolk, Franklin and Emporia.  There are a few other smaller towns in between these that require you to slow down to 35 mph when…

  • Miscellaneous,  Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 8.9.09

      Outside My Window…is a beautiful, sunny morning in Catawba, South Carolina.  There is a slight breeze, temps around 74F at 9:30 with about 68% humidity.  This morning, I’m writing on my parents back porch….there are birds visiting the bird feeders and hummingbirds flying here and there.  I am thinking…about how nice and relaxing this visit has been.  I have thoroughly enjoyed these past few days……..peaceful, quiet….beautiful home and scenery…….and of course excellent company.  I’m already mentally planning my next trip to see them.   🙂 I am thankful for…Papa and Nina living so much closer to us now…..and for what appears to be good traveling weather for our trip home…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 8.2.09

    Outside My Window…M*U*G*G*Y….overcast skies, temperature is around 79F right now and 85% humidity at 830.  Our forecast for today is thunderstorms, some possibly severe.  I ran my 3 miles this morning…..felt more like a swim with all the moisture in the air!!    🙂  I am thinking…about all the things I need to do before we leave on our trip.  I have started a list of things to take with me and will be pulling our bags out so I can start packing a few things.  It won’t be a long visit so won’t require too many things, but I tend to over-pack.  Guess it is better to have too much…

  • Family,  Life In General

    Catawba, South Carolina

    I’m online this afternoon Googling Catawba, South Carolina for our upcoming trip.  My father and step-mother have just moved to this area, and while I know it is relatively close to Charlotte, North Carolina…..and they have a new home to explore….that is about all I know about it.  I have never spent much time in South Carolina…..generally driving through it to go somewhere else….so this will be a new experience for me. I have discovered the Catawba Indian Nation is in Catawba.  Isn’t that convenient since their names are the same!   🙂   It is home to a group of Native American potters…..in fact one that has supposedly survived for…