I Dreamed I Was Running
I dreamed I was running last night. The dream was actually a little weird in the beginning…. I was going around my old course ~ sitting in an old office chair on wheels as my feet were running on the pavement. A little weird right?
Suddenly I was up on my feet….and I was running again….and it felt wonderful. It was so real, I could feel myself pacing my breath with my steps…..feel the chill from the light coat of sweat glistening on my body in the cool morning air. I could hear my footsteps as I ran…there was no pain in my foot. I squinted in the morning sun…and enjoyed the…
I miss…..
….getting up at 4:45 a.m. and pulling on my clothes. ….stepping out into the early morning darkness. ….feeling the cool air on my skin. ….the first good stretch of the morning. ….walking to my starting point. …..the first five minutes when I’m sure I’m not going to make my goal. ….the next 25 minutes when I get into my zone. ….the sound of my footsteps. ….feeling the sweat on my body. ….concentrating on my breathing. ….feeling as if my muscles can’t go on. ….realizing they can. ….the endorphins kicking in. ….the finish line. ….the big smile on my face when I check my watch. I miss running. Foot be damned….I’m…
Outside My Window ~ 8.2.09
Outside My Window…M*U*G*G*Y….overcast skies, temperature is around 79F right now and 85% humidity at 830. Our forecast for today is thunderstorms, some possibly severe. I ran my 3 miles this morning…..felt more like a swim with all the moisture in the air!!
I am thinking…about all the things I need to do before we leave on our trip. I have started a list of things to take with me and will be pulling our bags out so I can start packing a few things. It won’t be a long visit so won’t require too many things, but I tend to over-pack. Guess it is better to have too much…
Outside My Window ~ 7.26.09
Outside My Window…is extremely warm and very humid. At 7:43 a.m., it was already 78F with 80% humidity. It is so oppressive outside I cut my run short. The combination of the heat and humidity made for a very hot run. And I’m sitting inside today….it was my intent to sit outside, but I thought I was never going to cool down so thought I better sit inside and do so today. Our forecasted high today is 95F with a chance of thunderstorms…..hmmm, with that much humidity outside right now, I’m not surprised. I am thinking…about how hungry I am. I think part of the reason the heat and humidity…
Outside My Window ~ 6.21.09
Outside My Window…is a partly cloudy, windy and 83 degree day. This is a big improvement over yesterday’s 96 degrees. It was quite hot and miserable yesterday. I ventured outside for my run early in the morning, back out to get some neighborhood photos for the blog and then I was pretty much an indoor kitty yesterday!
I am thinking…about how quickly this year has gone by. Is it me or has this year just flown by so far? It doesn’t seem like spring was that long ago much less the first day of summer already. I am thankful for…the two most important men in my life…….my father and…
A Run Through The Neighborhood….
One of the nice things about running through your neighborhood is the sites you see……the different flowers, different wildlife, different ways people landscape their yards, and of course the people. There is a couple (he is a massage therapist and personal trainer, she is a teacher) that gets up early and run….some mornings they are sitting on their porch enjoying a beverage afterwards and are always quick to shout “hello, how are you” and “you’re looking good, keep up the great work” as I run past. A little encouragement never hurt anyone! During my run this morning, I was thinking about what kind of post I could do today….and I thought why not…
Another Tuesday morning run……with something a little different
This morning I was out the door bright and early for my run. It was about 15 minutes before many of the other runs of late, so it was still fairly dark outside, about a half an hour before sunrise. The birds were awake and singing their welcome to the new morning. Their songs were beautiful, and almost deafening. It was as if they were all trying to out-sing each other. I saw many robin redbreasts along my route……many of them in the street, scurrying or flying off as I approached. I could pick out the soft cooing of the morning dove and the loud cackle of the blue jay. I’m sure…
Tuesday Morning Run
I walked outside this past Tuesday morning around 5:50…..I was working at home so I was able to “sleep in” a little bit longer. This sunrise is the site that greeted me as I stepped out my door. I’ll admit, not the most spectacular sunrise I have ever seen, but it reminded me of how many of these I have seen because I get up very early to run……..and how running has affected my life. I started running “late” in life……..I was in my 40’s. One summer morning when my daughter’s were in Colorado visiting their father, I woke up and decided to go for a run on the beach. …