Outside My Window ~ 9.30.2012
Outside my window…is a beautiful fall morning. Right now at 10:45 this morning, we are 67°F with sunshine and blue skies. The humidity is a bit high at 61% but it is tolerable because the temperature is at a decent level. Our forecast high today is 73°F with light winds and a very low probability of rain…you couldn’t ask for a better day. Tomorrow will be much like today with a greater chance of afternoon showers. Tuesday will be warmer with a high chance of thunderstorms. The temperature for the rest of the week will be much warmer until a weekend cool down. I don’t know about anyone else but…
Outside My Window ~ 1.22.2012
Outside my window…is a cold and cloudy night. Currently at about 9:30 this evening we are at 37°F….our forecast low tonight is one degree colder than the current temperature. I have a nice little fire burning in the fireplace to take the chill off the house. My youngest daughter would like me to crank up the heat however I would rather have a nice fire than pay the power company that much more each month. I am thinking about…how spoiled we have been this past winter. Today my youngest daughter and I went out to run errands…we complained about how cold it was as if we had been experiencing this…
Bare Trees
The time will come when winter will ask you what you were doing all summer. ~ Henry Clay
The Flower and The Letter
Each time she saw a pink flower….she remembered the letter. ~ Thanks to Jerry at Shadowhouse Creations for his free Writing on Parchment texture. He has tons more….stop by for a visit, download a few and be sure to say hello before you go.
Tropical Soup
The heat and humidity these past few days has been brutal. This is typical weather for this area, but generally a little later in the season. I noticed that Sunday was a good ten degrees above the norm. I can usually deal with the heat…but when you add a good dose of humidity, it turns the air into a tropical soup. Miserable. I spent a good part of this evening watering my plants and flowers with rain barrel water. I used a decent amount of the water reserves this evening…..I hope we get some rain soon. It may cool things off. Thanks to Shadowhouse Creations for the free textures used on the wind chimes image ~ 1000…
Bird House Available
~ No Lease Required….First Come ~ Shadowhouse Creations Bookfront, Cover Texture and 1000 Years BC textures applied. Thanks Jerry!
Snow & The Parkway
I posted this image earlier today when I wrote about snow on the parkway. After I got home this evening, I reprocessed it using a “recipe” and a texture from Shadowhouse Creations. I applied “Frost” from his Heavenly Vintage Texture Set at 100% linear burn…..I like this result better than the first. I also used the same for the following photos…. This gives you an idea of what the Colonial Parkway is like. It is a three lane, unmarked road with the center lane used for passing in allowed areas ~ which there are not too many. It is a really beautiful drive….a nice way to begin and end your day.