• Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 7.01.2012

    Outside my window…is the closing hour of a wild weekend weather wise.  It all began on Friday when a very intense and progressive derecho began in the mid-west and traveled cross country to the mid-Atlantic….and it didn’t loose any steam on the way.  Our high on Friday was a uncomfortable 100°F.  That storm blew in here a little before midnight with high winds, thunder, lightening and an unbelievable amount of rain all at once….it was intense and it was scary.  Saturday was another scorcher at around 98°F and more storms that were a little weaker than the night before.  Very early this morning I was awakened by what can only…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 5.15.11

    Outside my window…is a Sunday that didn’t quite know what it wanted to do.  Cloudy….rain….sun….cloudy….more rain….more sun.  Currently, at 8:00 p.m., we are at 72°F with cloudy skies…there may even be a few rain drops falling as I sit here.  Looks like we have had a little over a quarter inch of rain in the past 24 hours ~ I think most of that fell last night during some storms that moved through our area.  When I went to bed it was raining quite hard with lots of lightening and thunder.  It is quite humid outside right now, 78%…and if you are doing any type of activity out there right now, you know it.  I…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 4.17.11

    Outside My Window…is bright blue skies….lots of sunshine….some wind….and about 59°F at 11:15 a.m. this fine Sunday morning.  Our forecast high is 67°F with lots of sunshine and wind.  That is to be expected after a cold front moves through the area I suppose..the wind.  Yesterday was quite different ~ I woke up to cloudy skies, the kind that are dark and heavy and move quietly over you.  I don’t believe the sun made an appearance at all yesterday.  Later, the television began a series of warning alerts with advisories that we had severe thunderstorms and possible tornadoes moving our way.  As the sun set, the alerts came more often…the skies…