Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 7.01.2012

Outside my window…is the closing hour of a wild weekend weather wise.  It all began on Friday when a very intense and progressive derecho began in the mid-west and traveled cross country to the mid-Atlantic….and it didn’t loose any steam on the way.  Our high on Friday was a uncomfortable 100°F.  That storm blew in here a little before midnight with high winds, thunder, lightening and an unbelievable amount of rain all at once….it was intense and it was scary.  Saturday was another scorcher at around 98°F and more storms that were a little weaker than the night before.  Very early this morning I was awakened by what can only be described as apocalyptic thunder and lightening.  I laid in bed for a minute and thought I had been dreaming it until it began to explode again and again and again….it was freakishly loud and the lightening was lighting up my room even though it was daylight outside….and I swear the air had a greenish tint to it.  I was beginning to wonder if it was some type of solar storm or something to be honest….a little unnerving to be honest.  Right now at 11:30 we are at 80°F with around 74% humidity ~ feels like 83°F outside now.  Our high today was 95°F, low is forecast to be 79°.  Our forecast for the rest of the week is temperatures in the low 90’s with a chance of isolated thunderstorms each day.  Welcome to summer in southeastern Virginia.

I’m thinking about…what a sad week it has been since my step-father passed away a little over a week ago.  The family has gathered with friends and extended family…we laughed, we cried and we comforted each other….the healing has begun.  It will take time and I will get back on track and begin posting a bit more.  I’m also thinking about where the year has gone…it is hard to believe it is already July 1st.  It dawned on me as I was writing this that it is time to create another free calendar for your desktop ~ check back in the next day or two for that.

I’m cutting this a bit short this evening….but will leave you this image from my camera…..the time got away from me this year and I didn’t get my morning glories, zinnias or sunflowers planted this year like I had in the past.  I had been feeling a little down about that because I do enjoy them each year when today as I was getting into my car I noticed this, a few seedlings had found their way ~ and I hadn’t even noticed they were growing….time to stop and smell the flowers folks.


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