Outside My Window ~ 11.10.2013
Outside my window…is a chilly but beautiful morning. When I took Turbo out for his walk it was 45°F with plenty of sunshine and clear, blue skies. We were actually a little warmer than yesterday when we experienced what I would say was our first hard frost. The temperature when I went out for a walk at 6:30 am was 35°F. The cars, rooftops and grass were covered in frost. The mornings have been chilly while the days have been generally mild with temperatures ranging from the low 50’s to mid 60’s. We did have a few days since I last posted in the low to mid 70’s which were not too…
Outside My Window ~ 10.16.2011
Outside my window…is a beautiful fall morning. It is close to 11:00 this morning and we have blue skies, sunshine and a mild temperature of 64°F. Our forecast high today is 75°F with zero chance of rain. A vastly different forecast than I experienced last Sunday while in Florida. For those who aren’t up on current events, last Sunday I was in Melbourne Beach, Florida were we experienced tropical temperatures along with some howling wind and torrential downpours during the system with no name that moved inland. Quite a ride…but it had all cleared out by Monday morning and we were able to enjoy a little bit of time in…
September Sunrise
Sometimes it is worth getting up at the crack o’dawn for work. I took this photograph one morning with my point and shoot camera. I usually post images of things that made me smile this week on Saturdays…. I can’t think about that now ~ my mind is full of car repair issues. My brain is on overload thinking about all the possibilities….
Some of My Favorites
I may have mentioned a time or two that I went to the beach for a couple of days not too long ago.
You saw the house we stayed at and besides those, I took many other photos while there. A good deal of them were of the family and the kids that came down. I have been working on those photos most of the day…picking out the best ones so I can burn a disk for my brother’s family. While I’m taking a break from that…I thought I would show you a few of my favorites from the trip. My daughter (left) and her best friend.
The morning started out beautifully….. I caught the clouds at sunrise. I was hopeful….could there be rain? No rain….the only water droplets today were my tears. Problems arrived this afternoon…. an unpleasant task that needs to be taken care of as a result. I was thinking of the chorus to a popular song I have heard on the radio station my daughter listens to….. “Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now…a wish right now….a wish right now.” I really could.
Random Thoughts….
There will be a full moon while I’m at the beach this weekend. How awesome is that? I already have photographs formulating in my head…. I hope they work out. I hope to get a few of these while I’m at the beach… nothing like watching the sun rise over the Atlantic. I don’t want to get a sunburn.
I have fallen in love with my backyard… …once again. It happens every year. I have a ripened tomato….well, almost. It will be delicious ~ I just know it. ‘Cause I grew it….all by myself. There is mad construction going on….all around the building I work in. Why do construction guys with the biggest belly’s…
Outside My Window ~ 10.04.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful morning with blue skies and no clouds in sight. The temps now are at about 68F at 9:45 a.m. When I walked out the door this morning at 6:15, it was around 61F and dark. I was off to Buckroe Beach this morning to renew my spirit and take some sunrise photos. When I arrived, it was at that moment in the morning when it is neither dark nor light…..that morning twilight period. Beautiful. In front of me, a sunrise waiting to happen, at my back was a beautiful full moon that had recently risen over the horizon. There were not many people around….a few…
Greetings From Catawba, South Carolina
I woke early this morning so I could enjoy the beauty of a Catawba sunrise….as reddish orange as the clay that blankets the land. This is a beautiful location……serene and quiet. I’m relaxing on the spacious back porch of my father’s house. …….hummingbirds ……. and an American Goldfinch……. Morning coffee with the folks…….relaxing……..visiting……enjoying life right now.