Life In General,  Miscellaneous

Random Thoughts….

There will be a full moon while I’m at the beach this weekend.

How awesome is that?

I already have photographs formulating in my head….

I hope they work out.

I hope to get a few of these while I’m at the beach…

nothing like watching the sun rise over the Atlantic.

I don’t want to get a sunburn.  😎

I have fallen in love with my backyard…

…once again.

It happens every year.

I have a ripened tomato….well, almost.

It will be delicious ~ I just know it. 

‘Cause I grew it….all by myself.

There is mad construction going on….all around the building I work in.

Why do construction guys with the biggest belly’s

have to pull their shirts up to wipe their faces

when they are right in front of our window?  😕

Not at all attractive guys! 

I’m not including a photograph of that…

….you’re welcome.   


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