Outside My Window ~ 4.21.2013
Outside my window…is the end of another weekend. At around 11:00 this evening we are at 47°F with clear skies. The weather channel says it feels like 43°F and I’m wondering if I should be worried about the house plants I took outside a couple of weeks ago. I guess it is too late to worry about that now…I hope they will be alright. We had an absolutely beautiful, albeit chilly, weekend. There was a nice overnight soaking rain on Friday and into the early hours Saturday morning that washed the thick layer of pollen away. A cold front moved in with that rain and left the air feeling brisk and…
Wordless Wednesday
Antique In Black & White
In May 2012, there was an antique car show on the Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg, Virginia. I work not too far from there and walked over during my lunch hour to take a few photographs. While post processing the images, I opted for black and white for the majority of the images. Yesterday I included the few color images I processed, today I am highlighting the black and white. I was a little taken with the hood ornaments.
Once Upon A Spring
And another one…
Happy Birthday William & Mary… 319 years old. “On February 8, 1693, King William III and Queen Mary II of England signed the charter for a “perpetual College of Divinity, Philosophy, Languages, and other good Arts and Sciences” to be founded in the Virginia Colony. And William & Mary was born.” ~ College of William and Mary website
What I See
Yesterday was quite foggy in Hampton Roads….when I left my house it was really dense….almost too dense. The fog lightened up quite a bit the closer I got to Williamsburg and I got an idea. I travel down the Colonial Parkway during the last leg of my drive to work. It is always a beautiful drive but one of the things I love about the parkway is the fact there are no traffic lights and I can count on one hand the number of cars I see on my way to work each morning. I carry my point and shoot camera with me so I decided to take a couple…
Scenes from Lake Matoaka
While I was out and about the other day taking the photograph of Lake Matoaka for my desktop calendar, I took a few extras… The Lake Matoaka Amphitheater…the sky is totally blown out on this image, but I like it… ….and a view from the stage…
Another November 2011 Free Desktop Calendar
I wanted to offer an option to the free desktop calendar I posted yesterday. This is the Crim Dell Bridge, located on the campus of William and Mary. Select a link below, right click on the image and select “set as desktop background”. Sizes are approximate and may take a few minutes to open: 900 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1600 x 900 Fingers crossed these links work without a problem….
November 2011 Free Desktop Calendar
{Update} I was really unhappy with this image when I got to work today and checked them out on my monitors. I don’t know what I did when I re-sized this but they didn’t pass. I have removed the texture and replaced the links. I also decided that while I like the image, I wanted something different for fall so I created one using the Crim Dell bridge. I’m not sure if it is too busy for a desktop….but click here if you want to download that image. I suppose there will always be a kink or two until I get use to doing these calendars.
Lake Matoaka, College…
Friday Flashback
When Busch Gardens was The Old Country…. The park was probably about three or four years old when I took these images. I was living in Colorado at the time but visiting family one summer. This was shot from the sky ride gondola… And the world renowned Clydesdale horses….there were certain times of the day you could catch them being moved from this stable to another location. These horses are huge…huge! The Loch Ness Monster…an amazing coaster that took you into a cave and had connecting loops. Now I suppose it is considered relatively tame. The boat docks for the cruise on Rhine river is in the foreground. This isn’t the best image….the coaster…