• Photography

    My Morning With The Hawks

    This morning at work I had to run an errand which required a trip across the historic campus.  I enjoyed the walk this morning and had the campus practically to myself…students are out on spring break this week.  As I was walking back to my office, something swooped past me and landed in the tree in front of me…..a Cooper’s Hawk.  Suddenly I realized where I was on campus ~ well, let me clarify…after I saw the hawk and realized where I was at that moment, I knew this was one of the pair of Cooper’s Hawks that had taken up residence in one of the beech trees by Washington Hall…

  • Virginia

    Scenes From Williamsburg

    I was searching for a photograph this evening and ran across some images I had taken a little over a year ago during one of my walking lunches.  The above image is the gate that leads into the Bruton Parish Church  cemetery.  I love the trees around Williamsburg….huge, ancient and oddly shaped.  Moss covered brick walls are something else that is quite commonplace in the colonial area. This image is the Governor’s Palace…yes, your read that right, Palace.  From the Colonial Williamsburg website: “The word “Palace” was first used for the governor’s house about 1714. Whether the term was used as irony in reference to its expense, or simply to designate an official residence is debatable. …

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 2.14.11

    Outside My Window…is a dark yet rather nice evening.  Our temperature at 7:30 pm is 63°F and there are some decent winds blowing outside, but can I tell you what an amazing day today was?  Well, going to anyway….we had a high of 69°F today with blue skies and sunshine.  And yes, the wind was blowing somewhat, but 69° baby!  It was wonderful to walk outside and feel the warmth….20° above our norm for this time of year.  You couldn’t have asked for a sweeter day in the middle of February.  It was like a coming attraction for spring….you know, this is what you can expect soon ~ stay tuned.  But…

  • This Moment

    This Moment #4

    {this moment} A Friday ritual.  A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.  A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.   If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see. (copyright SouleMama 2010) .  Inspired by SouleMama and passed on to me by CoffeeShop Free Actions….why not leave your moment there as well.

  • Life In General

    Bruton Parish Cemetery

    A section of the Bruton Parish Cemetery. Bruton Parish Church is located in the restored area of Colonial Williamsburg.  It was established in 1674 in the Virginia Colony and remains an active Episcopal parish.    There are some incredibly old tombstones which you can read with your naked eye but they do not photograph well.   There were two of these close to the path that I was on that simply said “Confederate Soldier” and a year….. From the Bruton Parish web site……..  Many Confederate Soldiers died in the Battle of Williamsburg fought May 5, 1862 and were buried in the Bruton Parish church yard.  At the end of that day, there were 4,000 casualties…

  • Miscellaneous

    Little House

    I took a walk around Colonial Williamsburg yesterday during my lunch hour….trying to come to grips with the email I had received.  I brought my camera with me and took a few photos while I was out.  Colonial Williamsburg has many of these restored homes through out the area…..some are guest houses, some are private residences.  The residences are posted as private but I wonder how often a tourist tries to get in to have a look see.   I have seen some try before…jiggling the door knobs or knocking. I really like these little houses.  I often thought it would be really cool to live in one….except there are a lot of restrictions. …

  • Miscellaneous,  Virginia

    Happy Charter Day William & Mary

      “On February 8, 1693, King William III and Queen Mary II of England signed the charter for a “perpetual College of Divinity, Philosophy, Languages, and other good Arts and Sciences” to be founded in the Virginia Colony. And William & Mary was born.” ~  College of William and Mary website

  • Life In General,  Miscellaneous,  Virginia

    A Distraction

    “I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow.” Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With The Wind I feel like Scarlett O”Hara right now……..I don’t want to think about computer issues and the fact that the web site is not cooperating at all.  So I will think about it tomorrow……or maybe even this weekend.  I have decided a distraction is in order…….and I have selected my place of employment as the distractor.  You see, I work at a very old place……so old in fact that many of our founding fathers attended school here.  Yup, we are downright ancient ~ and I have…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 8.30.09

    Outside My Window…is a very warm and muggy Sunday morning, closing in on afternoon.  A bit of a late start this morning.  At 11:30 it is 82F with 71% humidity.  Not such a bad morning, if you don’t move while you are outside.  The Weather Channel is forecasting thunderstorms for today, tonight and rain tomorrow.  I have found myself wishing for cooler temps more often lately.  I look forward to the cooler mornings and evenings of fall.  I do not look forward to the nor’easters that follow.  What is this odd language she speaks you ask…….this nor’easter.   Well, a nor’easter is kind of like summer’s tropical systems, except not so…