• Life In General,  Miscellaneous,  Virginia

    A Distraction

    “I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow.” Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With The Wind I feel like Scarlett O”Hara right now……..I don’t want to think about computer issues and the fact that the web site is not cooperating at all.  So I will think about it tomorrow……or maybe even this weekend.  I have decided a distraction is in order…….and I have selected my place of employment as the distractor.  You see, I work at a very old place……so old in fact that many of our founding fathers attended school here.  Yup, we are downright ancient ~ and I have…

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 8.30.09

    Outside My Window…is a very warm and muggy Sunday morning, closing in on afternoon.  A bit of a late start this morning.  At 11:30 it is 82F with 71% humidity.  Not such a bad morning, if you don’t move while you are outside.  The Weather Channel is forecasting thunderstorms for today, tonight and rain tomorrow.  I have found myself wishing for cooler temps more often lately.  I look forward to the cooler mornings and evenings of fall.  I do not look forward to the nor’easters that follow.  What is this odd language she speaks you ask…….this nor’easter.   Well, a nor’easter is kind of like summer’s tropical systems, except not so…