Outside My Window ~ 5.31.2009
Outside My Window…is cloudy at the moment. The sun was peaking through earlier during my run but it appears as if the clouds have taken over for the most part now. Our forecast is for scattered thunderstorms today.
I am thinking…about how relieved I am to finally finish all the major work in the flower beds this year. Now I just need to control the weeds, and I’m good to go. I worked outside yesterday (see my earlier blog post for photos) on some weeding maintenance in the corner garden where I removed the stump earlier this spring, and trying to get rid of some decorative grass that my neighbor had planted in the front flower bed. For those of you who may not know, I live in a townhouse and my neighbor has a strip of garden area where he planted this decorative type grass as a fill in since nothing else would grow there very well. Well, this stuff grows very well and several years ago, it started creeping over into my flower bed that connects with his. I didn’t mind at first because it does look nice, but the last couple of years I have noticed it is taking over more than I would like. He warned me this stuff is hard to get up, and he does not lie! This stuff has a root system like bamboo…….and for those of you who don’t know what that is like, well…..it is massive and widespread. I did get the bed cleaned out, but I fear I will be battling this grass growth the rest of my days!
I am thankful for…finally getting Alanna’s graduation announcements finished and in the mail. Hopefully all of you have received yours by now. She was very pleased with the end result…..I think she had her doubts when I first mentioned creating one for her. I seriously had a problem paying the prices the company the school had chosen for announcements and labels …..I knew we could do something just as nice ~ and more personable ~ without feeling like I was helping someone at that company buy their summer home!
From the kitchen…I was just thinking about what I would like to prepare today while I was making my coffee. I’m pretty sure a fresh mushroom and asparagus omelet is on the menu for breakfast, but after that……I can’t decide.
I am creating…not so much right at the moment. I’m concentrating on getting the outside and inside in order for Alanna’s after graduation party….as well as planning the party. Not too much time left and a whole lot of stuff I still need to do.
I am going…to be researching the ‘net’ for a new running watch. Mine broke this past week…..well actually the band broke. The watch was designed to fit in this rubberized type band so once the band breaks, can’t really use the watch ~ for running anyway. I can’t complain because I definitely got my money’s worth from this last one. I don’t need all the bells and whistles most of them offer so I will try to find a simple one that fits my needs.
I am reading…my new issue of Mother Earth News and Runner’s World. Runner’s World inspires and motivates me. They have some amazing stories about runners…….some well known, some not so much. Mother Earth News always has some tasty recipes or handy do it yourself ideas. You can find articles on homesteading, recipes…….and if you want to raise chickens, they tell you how to do that too!
I am hoping…what seems to be my constant hope of late is that I get those confounded web pages completed! Close but no cigar yet!
I am hearing…one of my very relaxing nature spa CD’s, the slight breeze ringing my wind chimes, an occasional bird or two……and the ticking of my many clocks.
Around the house…is some of my laundry to finish and put away, paperwork that I have sorted to file, and general clutter to pick up.
Plans for the week include…the continuing saga of simplifying things around the house. I’m still going through things and tossing what I don’t need. But of course, if history has proven anything, as soon as throw something away, I will need it. I’m just keep repeating to myself that will not happen whenever I put something in the bag to toss out!
One of my favorite things…is a morning like this one. I woke up fairly early, got my run in, did my yoga exercises and now I’m enjoying a delicious cup of coffee while I “talk” with you all.
A picture I’d like to share with you…a blatant product push…..freshly cut Lavender Dreams Soap.