Outside My Window ~ 6.21.09
Outside My Window…is a partly cloudy, windy and 83 degree day. This is a big improvement over yesterday’s 96 degrees. It was quite hot and miserable yesterday. I ventured outside for my run early in the morning, back out to get some neighborhood photos for the blog and then I was pretty much an indoor kitty yesterday!
I am thinking…about how quickly this year has gone by. Is it me or has this year just flown by so far? It doesn’t seem like spring was that long ago much less the first day of summer already.
I am thankful for…the two most important men in my life…….my father and my step-father. Both were hard working men who loved and took care of their family. I’m thankful for their love and support all these years of my life……and the fact that they are still in my life!
From the kitchen…not much……haven’t been in the mood for kitchen fun lately. I did try a new recipe for pork medallions with sautéed green beans this week that was quite tasty. I will post this recipe on my blog a little later this week I think. I also want to check into making my own butter……there were directions on how to do so in my most recent Mother Earth News magazine and it isn’t that difficult. You don’t even need a churn!
I am creating…nothing at the moment and I do need to get off my rear and do so. I used this week to kick back a little before a big push on product production. I did get started on cleaning out my closet. It is amazing all the “stuff” you can accumulate without even realizing it.
I am going…to my mom’s house today for dinner with my step-father. I will be calling my father later today to talk with him.
I am reading…nothing at the moment. There are several books I would like to get started on….decisions, decisions.
I am hoping…my constant wish to complete my web pages……..and that it is a Happy Father’s Day for all the dads out there!
I am hearing…Cailin yawning while talking on the phone, the Weather Channel…..and my wind chimes singing on my front porch. Hmmm, must be windier than I thought because they have been singing quite a bit!
Around the house…some of Alanna’s art work from school, an exercise ball with a few free weights, a coffee table I need to “de-clutter” and laundry to finish.
Plans for the week include…completing my clean out the closet project, make a new body cream and see if I can re-work the stretch mark cream I made earlier. It is a little to stiff for me so I want to soften it up a bit.
One of my favorite things…iced tea and a cool breeze on a hot day. A few years ago, I discovered this tea ~ blackberry sage ~ by the Republic of Tea. Yummmm, nothing quite like it over ice on a hot summer day.
A picture I’d like to share with you…me and my dad-dio…..taken when I was about 6 months old. And one of my step-father holding Alanna. Happy Father’s Day!