Outside My Window ~ 10.04.09
Outside My Window…is a beautiful morning with blue skies and no clouds in sight. The temps now are at about 68F at 9:45 a.m. When I walked out the door this morning at 6:15, it was around 61F and dark. I was off to Buckroe Beach this morning to renew my spirit and take some sunrise photos. When I arrived, it was at that moment in the morning when it is neither dark nor light…..that morning twilight period. Beautiful. In front of me, a sunrise waiting to happen, at my back was a beautiful full moon that had recently risen over the horizon. There were not many people around….a few walkers, a couple of Park Rangers doing their thing. I dug my toes in the sand as I enjoyed the sound of the waves while the sea gulls and I waited for the sun to come up. I can’t think of a better way to start a morning.
I am thinking…about transplanting my daisy gardenia in an attempt to save it. I had it in a large pot on my porch but the last couple of weeks it has started going downhill. I think it may have gotten too wet when we had the very rainy period the first of last month. I don’t know if a transplant will be the final straw for it, but I think it may do better in the ground than in the pot. Time will tell.
I am thankful for…the city of Hampton rescuing Buckroe Beach. Buckroe Beach is one of the oldest recreational areas in Virginia, located at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. Designated for public use in 1619, Buck Roe Plantation also served as a fishing camp until after the Civil War. A boarding house opened to accommodate summer visitors in 1883. In 1897, after an electric trolley was extended to the beachfront by a local businessman, a hotel, dancing pavilion and amusement park opened. The amusement park and beach were popular local attractions until the park closed and was torn down in the early 1980’s. The beach and surrounding areas were largely neglected until around the late 1990’s when the city begin to improve the area and people once again flocked to this family oriented beach. The fishing pier was destroyed during Hurricane Isabel in 2003 but has been rebuilt and opened the beginning of this summer. Today, they show family movies on summer nights and different festivals are hosted during the day. I can’t tell you how many weekends my daughters and I have spent sitting on the beach, swimming in the water and eating hotdogs in the sand. Great memories.
From the kitchen…coffee right now……an egg, Canadian bacon and cheese sandwich in just a few. For some reason while driving back from the beach this morning, I had a strong desire for such a sandwich.
I am creating…the finishing touches on the web site. I will hit the publish button tonight (she said with fingers crossed). If you have been reading the blog, you will know I discovered my nemesis and have defeated same. Actually, I clicked a stupid button and everything lined up like it should. Sounds better when I say Nemesis though doesn’t it? Anyway…..I have a few things to tweak…which I will be working on in just a few….and should be good to go in a bit. I’m excited to finally be through (except for maintenance here and there)….actually, you all may be as excited as I am…..maybe now I will quit talking about it all the time!!
I am going…to finish above said website tweaks and then the rest of the day is pretty much unplanned. I have normal house cleaning stuff to do…..and laundry.
I am reading…not so much right now. I have been reading html code…….no books though.
I am hoping…to finish above said website tweaks (last time I say this, promise!) before lunch. After that, I’m hoping I can save my daisy gardenia plant.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks, the Weather Channel giving our local forecast. High today of 80F……while all good, I’m actually ready for days in the mid 60’s.
Around the house…my daughter’s drawings here and there….some of my clutter on the coffee table, unscented Shea butter soap curing.
Plans for the week include…making more soap to get my inventory back up to par…..try to catch up on my photo editing.
One of my favorite things…is waking up early to watch the sun rise over the ocean. I can also add spending time at the beach.
A picture I’d like to share with you…this was my view at around 7:00 a.m.………because of a marine layer of clouds on the horizon at sunrise, I didn’t get the sun/water horizon I had hoped for, but this will work. I love how the bird flew into the scene…..almost as if the director said “cue bird” as I was taking the photo. I’m calling this ”Buckroe This Morning”

One Comment
Beautiful photo. I love your description of the beach this morning. There is nothing better than being one of the first people out and about on a beautiful day! Looking forward to hearing that the website is up and running!