Outside My Window ~ 10.18.09
Outside My Window…is gray, gloomy and windy. At 7:30 a.m., it is 49F but could feel colder if you were outside because of the wind. We are on the tail end of a double nor’easter that came through the end of last week. The high today will be a whopping 3 degrees warmer than it is right now…..52F. I had to turn the heat on for the first time yesterday. We are forecasted to receive a bit more rain…..but the pavement is dry right now.
I am thinking…how in the world three people can mess a house up so quickly? And to make matters worse, we are not here that much because of work and school. One of those life long mysteries I suppose.
I am thankful for…a warm place to stay when it is cold and wet outside……healthy children…..food on my table……a job to go to each day. So many people do not have these things to be thankful for; I like to remind myself that while I don’t have every thing my little heart may desire, I am fortunate.
From the kitchen…was a pot of pinto beans and cornbread ala The Pioneer Woman last night. For some simple and delicious recipes, you should check out her site. Or you can visit The Tasty Kitchen, which is a member submitted recipe site created by Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman. Both sites have a large variety of tasty treats to choose from. Later today I’m going to attempt to make White Fudge Filled Oat Cups that I saw on Chocolate and Whine. I have been dreaming of these amazing looking goodies since I saw them on Stephanie’s site……which you should also check out. She is funny, takes amazing photos and loves to bake ~ word of caution, if you visit her Sweets page, you could gain 20 pounds immediately!
I am creating…a bit of a mess in the living room as I rearrange a few things. I’m attempting to make a little work space for me to use while I’m working on the laptop. I know laptops are for laps, but I like to put mine on a little table. I wanted to be out of the way but still in the room….if that makes sense.
I am going…to make those wonderful little oat cups today…..yes, these things have been haunting me since I saw them…..must have oat cups!! I’m also planning on uploading more photos to Flickr….but not sure if that will happen today or not. I did manage to get photos from the August vacation uploaded….the old cemetery I visited while in South Carolina is on there now. I know ~ who likes to hang out in cemeteries much less takes photos of them?
I am reading…not too much at the moment. I’m still in my “not so interested” phase. I have been flipping through a Mother Earth News and Runners World magazine…..but that is more like looking at the photos and then reading the articles.
I am hoping…we get to see the sun again soon. It has been a long, wet and cloudy week.
I am hearing…the wind chimes singing outside ~ a little to loudly. I’m beginning to wonder if I should go take them down. The ticking of my many clocks and my Nature Celtic Quest CD…as the CD cover states “performed on traditional instruments, these lively melodies are lightly accented by the sounds of streams, birds and sea ~ a natural reflection of the countryside which has echoed with these songs for centuries”. This music soothes my soul.
Around the house…is the living room in disarray……laundry……..dishes……plants to water…..my sleeping children.
Plans for the week include…I actually haven’t thought that far ahead…..oat cakes are singing in my head.
One of my favorite things…is hot coffee on a cold morning……warming my hands on the cup as I inhale the wonderful cinnamon, hazelnut aroma. Yes, I’m on of those people who like flavored coffee.
A picture I’d like to share with you…because we have been sunless for many days, and I miss the warmth of it on my skin…….I’m going back to the day I went to watch the sunrise at Buckroe. I took this out on the pier which is quite high, and it sticks out into the water quite far. Now that is important because everyone who knows me knows I am afraid of heights. And while I love the ocean, it terrifies me at the same time because, well….creepy looking creatures live in there, especially in the deep parts! I was amazed I got this photo because when I was walking out onto the pier, I walked across a loose board that moved quite a bit and I immediately went into panic mode. My mind was convinced the entire pier was getting ready to collapse and I froze……yes, I can be irrational sometimes. I finally convinced myself it was one board and it was safe to venture forward. Once I got over that, I got some nice shots….like this one……

I like the idea of reminding ourselves why we need to be grateful, too often things are taken for granted and therefore lessen in value.
Debbie why are you making us lust after those calories!
Had to laugh at your ‘who hangs out in cemetery’s’ quip – I do! We often come across them on our countryside walks and they’re an ideal spot to have lunch – sheltered and peaceful.
Gorgeous, gorgeous photo of the pier but you’re a braver woman than I am, I’d have frozen after the first step! Good on you.
Instead of tidying up my kitchen last night I read this before I fell into bed, 101 things still not done. I woke up this morning having dreamt about oat cups….
I’m sure I put on a few kilos too, my dressing gown belt is feeling a bit snug, sigh……
I don’t know whether to blame you or beg you to put the recipe and photos up asap. And NOT photos of and empty plate with a few crumbs on please!
Love your new autumn colours Debbie – breathtaking!
You’re such a clever gal:)