Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 6.17.2012

Outside my window…is the closing hours on the final Sunday for Spring 2012.  According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac the Summer Solstice will occur on June 20, 2012 at 7:09 p.m..  Next week the view will change outside my window…summer is here.  It is almost 6:00 in the evening in Hampton Roads….the sky is mostly cloudy but there are snippets of blue sky and sunshine…and the temperature right now is about 70°F.  There is very little chance of rain tonight and for the most part the clouds that are out right now are white and fluffy.  It has been a mild and breezy weekend….my wind chimes sang plenty of songs to me.  Right now there is a slight breeze….very low humidity….it feels wonderful outside to be honest.  The week  calls for a little warmer temperatures with a chance of thunderstorms later in the week.   I noticed on a drought monitor map that we were within the norm and that other areas on the East coast were doing better as well….unfortunately my friends in the west can’t say the same thing.

I’m thinking about…how I’m in love with Tropical Smoothie….and I’m thinking about why did I wait so long to try them out.  I think one reason is I have  never been a smoothie drinker…not even sure why.  Maybe I preferred milkshakes or something else all these years but the two I have had recently ~ better than cake!  🙂  I’m particularly fond of Sunny Day…but Sunrise Sunset is pretty tasty too.  The King Caesar Chicken wrap was the best tasting wrap I have had in some time. I will  have to learn how to recreate some of these tasty delights….otherwise I will be spending a fortune.

I am glad…I am still able to talk with my father and my step-father and wish them a Happy Father’s Day.

I am going…to be working like a fool the next couple of days at work, then I get a couple of days to slow down a little bit but then it will be the new fiscal year and I will be working like a fool again.  Ahhhh…..life working in finance.

From my kitchen…is not much of anything lately.  I haven’t been cooking all that much recently.  The girls are old enough they get what they want when they want it….when they are here.  Friday night I satisfied my craving for enchiladas….and tried out a new enchilada sauce I picked up at The Fresh Market.  I bought both green and red…..I tried the red last night, and it was good….even better after I added a few extra ingredients.  🙂

I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….not so much the wind chimes right now….an otherwise quiet house.  Soon I need to be hearing the washer and dryer with my clothes inside.

A recap of last week…was only the one posting for Wordless Wednesday.  I ran across some photographs I had forgotten about today…and I have graduation images to post…may get those in this coming week.

Plans for the week include…working like a fool to get everything finalized for the end of the fiscal year at work….working from home on Tuesday….create a thank you card for Cailin and work on graduation images….workshop this weekend on product photography….finalize choice for new car insurance company {and we aren’t going to talk about what a pain this is}.

One of life’s little pleasures…is lessons learned, finding beauty in the little things and feeling content.

From my camera…is a shot of my Mother’s Day gift this year…..and a wish that tulips would last much longer than they do.  🙂


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