Outside My Window ~ 6.6.10
Outside My Window…is unbelievably hot and sunny! When I walked outside early this morning I couldn’t believe how hot it was. Currently it is 86ºF but feels like 93ºF with 64% humidity at 11:00 this morning. Our high today is suppose to reach 95ºF. I’m not surprised we have a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon and this evening….I will be surprised if nothing materializes because it feels quite tropical outside. I also noticed our area is a 3 on the Weather Channel TorCon index….so that means we have a 30% chance of a tornado in this area. Fortunately, they are not the norm for us. I am thinking…how many more critters am I…
It’s That Time Again
If you have been visiting here for a while, you may remember I participated in The Great Sunflower Project last year. In case you haven’t, the idea behind this project is by San Francisco State University is to gather data on urban, rural and suburban bee populations. To participate, plant a certain type of sunflower plant and count the bees that visit during a specific amount of time. I know…..yawn ~ how exciting. But actually, it isn’t so bad. Take a cold beverage and sit outside while you view and count ~ I can think of worse way to spend a day.
Because of increased participation, they have asked that you purchase your seeds…
Colors of My Spring
Give Aways
Not too long ago, I participated in a give away hosted by Mary at The Provident Woman…..and I was one of the winners! I can no longer say “I never win anything”.
My goodies arrived today…….what a wonderful box it was too. Mary and her husband raise bees, and the winners of their giveaway won products created in their home……..this little one was full of the sweetest and so very tasty honey…… I can’t imagine what it would be like to have fresh honey any time you wanted. This tag was included to explain the contents, and these colorful little jewels are honey sticks…….. Something to keep your lips soft…
Red, White, Blue with a little bit of Yellow & Orange
Yippy Skippy….my largest tomato finally started turning red today! I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to turn and at the same time deciding if there was such a thing as a healthy fried green tomato. We had another round of thunderstorms this afternoon and as I often do when I get home from work after a round of storms, I check to see if “everyone” survived in the garden. I was thrilled to see this flash of red on an otherwise green bush! I applied CoffeeShop Vivid Action on this photo……yes, I’m still having way too much fun with these actions. For my white selection, I have a…
One Wedding and Sunflowers
Happy Saturday to you all! If you want to see the best wedding march I have seen, check out this link….sorry, I haven’t quite figured out the embedding so you will have to click and leave me for a few minutes….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-94JhLEiN0 So you’re back now…..wasn’t that a hoot!
I also have some more sunflowers to show you……..yes, yes, I know you have seen them before ~ but not these!
If you click on the image, you can see a larger size of it….or you can check out all my sunflowers at The Great Sunflower Project set I have set up on Flickr. Click on the smaller…
Outside My Window ~ 7.19.09
Outside My Window…is me. I’m sitting outside again this morning. At 8:30, it is 74 degrees, but it is humid. There is a slight breeze so that makes it better. Mostly sunny, with some random clouds floating overhead and blocking the sun momentarily. I have had my run…I can do 2.25 miles in about a half an hour now so I have decided I can run 3 miles on the weekends ~ after today. The weekly morning runs, well their length depends on what time I roll out of bed.
I am thinking…about entering my first bee data on The Great Sunflower Project web site later today. Yup, I…
Sunshine and Sunflowers
When I came home Tuesday afternoon, I discovered my neighbor had removed a tree that had blocked the sun from my garden area for a decent portion of the day. She had talked about taking it down but said she wasn’t going to do so until next year. Now my sunflowers are getting pretty much all day sun, and they are loving it……. As with all my photos now, if you click on the photo, it will take you to another page to see a much larger image. In this particular photo, if you look real close over the middle bloom, you can see the moon…..teeny tiny, but still there. …
First Bloom
I couldn’t help but take this photo this morning before leaving for work….my first bloom has totally opened up, glistening with drops of last nights rains. Isn’t it beautiful? Remember I said how much the plants have grown…..in order to take this photo, I had to stand on my tiptoes with my arms extended over my head hoping I had it centered. I’m seriously going to need a ladder to get photos of some of the other ones when they bloom!!
Thanks to the Great Sunflower Project for the seeds so that I may grow these beauties….I will soon be bee watching in my yard.
Outside My Window ~ 7.12.09
Outside My Window…actually, I am sitting on my back patio ‘outside my window’……errr, sliding glass doors. I have finished my 2.25 run on this beautiful, 78 degree, fairly muggy morning. And oh yes, it was hot when I was running. As I said, I am now in my tiny backyard enjoying a cup of blackberry sage iced tea (in my cool Catalina Island cup ~ ahhhh, Avalon ~ thanks Doo!) as I cool down. I thought “why not” sit out here and do my thing because after the run this morning, it actually feels nice and cool sitting here.
I am thinking…why a couple of my tomato leaves on…