Outside My Window ~ 6.19.11
Outside my window…is a cloudy, humid morning. At 10:30 and we are at 75°F with 84% humidity and little to no wind at the moment. One word…humid. The forecast high is for a chance of thunderstorms and a high of 84°F. I was checking out the Weather Channel online a few minutes ago and it appears as if a large storm system is moving east towards us…I suppose our storms will come from a combination of that and our typical afternoon heating plus humidity that produces some storms. I’m not so fond of warm, humid weather but my tomato plants seem to love it…they are growing like weeds. I am glad…that school…
Things That Made Me Smile This Week
Visiting with my niece and her family while they were here on vacation… More bee action on the lavender… Friends who provide farm fresh goodness in pretty baskets… Enjoying a rainbow that followed a rain storm… …which was followed by amazing blue skies…. …and a prettiful sunset!
But the biggest smile of all….my first red tomato!! Sweet! What made you smile this week?
Friday Flashback
When Busch Gardens was The Old Country…. The park was probably about three or four years old when I took these images. I was living in Colorado at the time but visiting family one summer. This was shot from the sky ride gondola… And the world renowned Clydesdale horses….there were certain times of the day you could catch them being moved from this stable to another location. These horses are huge…huge! The Loch Ness Monster…an amazing coaster that took you into a cave and had connecting loops. Now I suppose it is considered relatively tame. The boat docks for the cruise on Rhine river is in the foreground. This isn’t the best image….the coaster…
Me and My Buddie
Once upon a time….a very special little girl was born. She was sugar and spice and everything nice. I lived a long way from her when she was born…. ….but one special day, I finally got to meet her. and we instantly became buddies. Did I mention she was sweet?
Sadly, me and my Buddie didn’t live all that close to each other while we grew up. Her mommy sent me lots of pictures….and little cards that I kept because they were sweet…. and we did get to see each other once in a while… Years have passed and my Buddie has grown into a beautiful young woman with a family…
Outside My Window ~ 4.10.2011
Outside My Window…is the sun setting on another Sunday and the end of my vacation. At 7:42 p.m., we are at 60°F ~ a few degrees warmer than what our low will be for the evening. Today was amazing after a very chilly return from vacation. We arrived home Friday evening to rain and quite chilly temperatures…a huge difference from where we had departed from. Saturday was also quite cool and overcast….I felt like I drove back in time to winter again.
I am thinking…I could get use to relaxing time and being away from work. Of course, I probably would miss eating, a roof over my head and other…
The theme for week 12….From the Jewelry Box. I wanted to feature the box instead. My father was in the Navy when I was growing up and was deployed more than once. He brought back some beautiful Japanese dolls in glass cases when he came home….. …I don’t know what ever became of those dolls. One time, he came home with my very first “big girl” jewelry box. With the ballerina that stood up and twirled when you opened the lid, twirling to the sweet Japanese melody that plays from the music box within. The jewelry box is old ~ maybe very close to 50 years old…. the ballerina no longer twirls…. but the…
And she was still smiling…
My sister….heart of gold. I invited her to my house for dinner and a movie on Saturday. I was cooking her favorite meal for her. But….before she can eat, she has to go to the airport with me. And creep around out of the way places…. ….looking for a good place to take a photograph…. ….of the moon. We saw the moon…. ….we finally ate…. ….and when we finally sat down to watch the movie, I couldn’t help but notice…. …she was still smiling. It is why I love her so.
Outside My Window ~ 2.6.11
Outside My Window…is another gorgeous Sunday morning. We have blue skies, sunshine and 45°F at 11:15 a.m.. Our high today won’t be much warmer than it is right now…a little chilly but hovering around our average temperature and it doesn’t feel too bad in the sunshine. We did have quite a bit of rain yesterday morning ~ key word, rain. We have been fortunate to miss the ice and snow everyone else seems to be getting but there is a chance of snow this coming Thursday. That is several days off so I won’t be worrying about it for a few days. I am thinking…about all the things I would like…
Outside My Window ~ 1.2.2011
Outside My Window…is heavy rain and gray skies. At 11:00 this morning, we have a temperature of 57°F….and after weeks of brrrr chilly weather, that feels quite toasty outside. I took the outside Christmas lights down this morning….fortunately before the rains came. The snow had finally melted off of the bushes so I could see where they were. It is amazing what a difference a week can make…last Sunday at this time there was heavy snow, white out conditions and a temperature of 28°F….today I’m walking around outside in sandals and short sleeves before the rain came. And rain….yea, we can use that after the 14 inches of snow we got…
Some people have grandfathers….some people have Papa’s…. …..he was always Grandaddy to me. He was born on this day in 1901 in Currituck, North Carolina. He was a farmer. He married Nellie and they had 7 children. My mother was their youngest. When we would visit when I was a little girl, I would get up with him each morning to help him let the chickens out of their houses. When it was time for us to go home, the day before he would carry me around with him as he cried. I’m the cute blond standing next to him.
He drove an old John Deere tractor to the store. I can still hear…