My brain doesn’t want to function during relaxing time….Outside My Window will be back next week….
South of the Border
When I was a little girl, we would drive from Florida to North Carolina to visit my grandparents. There was one place I can remember I always looked forward to seeing whenever we took these trips…a place that held treasures to behold. You would begin to see the signs miles away….and sometimes there would be lots of signs all in a row…all of them beckoning you to visit. I can remember getting so excited as they counted down the miles for you….I was reliving those moments this time as we got closer until we finally saw it… I had decided we were going to have lunch when we stopped…and we…
The Trip Home
After our brief vacation in Florida, it was time to drive home. My oldest daughter was the designated photographer with my point and shoot camera. While she is the love of my life…I didn’t include the many, many, many photographs she took of herself on the post today.
Next….we go South of the Border…
Outer Banks
I am spending some time with my brother’s family in a house they rented at Nags Head, a wonderful beach located on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I will return Sunday afternoon… with maybe a photograph or two.
A Few Images
I think the spring cleaning bug has bitten me. I have been cleaning almost non stop since I got home from my vacation in Catawba. Not only cleaning, but reorganizing and rearranging. I have been going and going….I’m happy with the results, but it has taken a great deal of my time and left me quite exhausted. I’m posting a few images from my trip. Actually, there are not tons of photos this time. I did take quite a few, but not as many as the last time. One reason ~ unbelievable pollen while we were there kept us in the house a good deal of the time. We did…
Home Again
We arrived home….safe and sound. We traveled ahead of the storms that were heading for the east coast. I spent a good part of the day today unpacking and cleaning…as well as resting. Guess I’m not as young as I use to be….traveling wears me out a bit. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to visit you all tomorrow as well as post some photos from my trip.
Setting Up House
My parents have a couple of blue bird houses set up on their property here in Catawba, South Carolina. Meet the new Blue Bird residents of this house….they have built their nest and laid some eggs. They will soon have four children ~ possibly more before all is said and done. This morning was spent lounging around the human house…..a very relaxing morning. Later, we went to the movies and saw “The Bounty Hunter” with Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston. It wasn’t a bad movie ~ kind of cute with some funny moments, but I have to agree with my father ~ they took a 30 minute story and stretched it out over an hour…
We drove over to Lancaster in search of their almost 200 year old courthouse ~ which by the way was the last location a witch trial was held in the United States ~ but it had massive construction going on all around it, and on the building itself. It had been damaged by a fire not so long ago and repair work was well under way as well as the construction of another very large building right next door. I didn’t even stop to take a photo because it would have been disappointing ~ so I’m sharing a photo from our hike at Landsford Canal State Park with you today. This is a…
Scenes From Our Hike
Today we went shopping and out to eat in Charlotte, North Carolina. It has been a long day so I’m going to feature a couple of photos from our hike yesterday……. We had just been talking about the lack of any bird or squirrel’s nests in the area and decided it was because the eagles nest was in these woods. Not too long after that, we noticed a rather ragged looking squirrels nest….which turned out to be not so far from the eagles nest. Once we saw the proximity of the squirrels nest to the eagles….we figured out why it was so ragged looking….possibly ravaged by the eagle searching for…
Outside My Window ~ 4.04.10
Outside My Window…the sun is setting on my parents house in Catawba, South Carolina. It was a wonderful day….temps were in the mid 80’s, blue skies and sunshine. I am thinking…how I hope everyone had a wonderful day today……and a Happy Easter! I am thankful for…many things come to mind, but right now I’m thankful for the opportunity to be able to come and stay with my parents. There was a time when they lived quite far away (Saudi Arabia being the greatest distance) and I was not able to see them as often as I would have liked. The fact they are living so much closer now is wonderful!
From the…