July 2012 Free Desktop Calendar
There are two free desktop calendars to choose from this month….the first ~ To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. And the second calendar…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. Most of you know the drill, but just in case….click the link and choose “save” or “save as”. Make sure you take note where the file is saved. After the download is complete, go to your saved…
Things that made me smile this week…
First….but no photograph….a check from the insurance company for my daughter’s car that surpassed my wildest dreams. Sweet! Wispy clouds that dance in a blue sky…. ….followed by beautiful sunsets…. …and my sweet moon shot ~ I know I posted it the other day, but it did make me smile this week
…. …new beginnings… …and waiting for them to say hello…. …an early morning movie to see the epic ending of a wonderful series of movies with my sister…. ….followed by lunch at one of our favorite restaurants where we talked almost non stop about the movie. PS ~ the movie did not disappoint…I loved it, right down to the last minute.…
Things That Made Me Happy This Week
Fresh tomatoes…… The fact that the drought hasn’t killed my hibiscus plant. My harvest of lavender…all dried and smelling so divine! My sunflowers.
Outside My Window ~ 7.25.10
Outside My Window…at noon, it is a balmy 95ºF and not a cloud in the sky. Nothing but sunshine and searing heat. Factor in the heat index, at this moment it feels like 103ºF. Our forecast high for today is 105ºF….I believe they said with the heat index, it will feel like 115º. I do not plan to go anywhere today. It has been unbelievably hot these past few days….unbelievably hot. To give you an idea, I looked up some historical data for this day ~ our average temp is 86ºF…our record high was 97ºF set back in 1949. It appears that record will fall on this day. We are under dangerous…
This Moment #10
{this moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see. (copyright SouleMama 2010) . Inspired by SouleMama and passed on to me by CoffeeShop Free Actions….why not leave your moment with them as well.
Bumbly Bees & Sunflowers
I love sunflowers. I love watching them as they grow from alien looking buds to big, beautiful yellow flowers. I baby them as they grow….keeping the area around the roots weed free….making sure they have enough water. Our drought has been hard on them this year but they seem to be doing alright. Maybe not as large as last year, but doing well all the same. This is my second year growing sunflowers. Last year I discovered The Great Sunflower Project. A project led by Gretchen LeBuhn, an associate professor at San Francisco State University, they are looking at bee populations. From their site ~ What scientists had not studied on a large…
Outside My Window ~ 7.11.10
Outside My Window…is 85ºF with partly cloudy skies. Our forecast high today is 91º and sunshine. Right now it looks as if some dark clouds are trying to form over the neighborhood…enough to block out the sun at the moment. Personally, I wouldn’t care if it rained all day long….nice, steady shower….thoroughly soaking the ground….all day. We got a small amount of rain yesterday ~ not enough to perk up my vinca plants in the front garden….not enough to save my mint plant. It is toast I fear. My tomato plants while not yet dead seem to have suffered from the intense heat and humidity we had for so many days. …
Here Comes the Sun
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun And I say it’s all right Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here Here comes the sun, here comes the sun And I say it’s all right Little darling, the smiles returning to their faces Little darling, it seems like it’s years since it’s been here Here comes the sun, here comes the sun And I say it’s all right ~ George Harrison
No Relief In Site
No rain for weeks…..no relief in site. The plants are suffering. Just when I thought it was hopeless to keep watering each day… I noticed this little sunflower opening up when I got home today. They are still fighting…….so I will keep watering. For now…….
Outside My Window ~ 6.6.10
Outside My Window…is unbelievably hot and sunny! When I walked outside early this morning I couldn’t believe how hot it was. Currently it is 86ºF but feels like 93ºF with 64% humidity at 11:00 this morning. Our high today is suppose to reach 95ºF. I’m not surprised we have a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon and this evening….I will be surprised if nothing materializes because it feels quite tropical outside. I also noticed our area is a 3 on the Weather Channel TorCon index….so that means we have a 30% chance of a tornado in this area. Fortunately, they are not the norm for us. I am thinking…how many more critters am I…