Random Thoughts….
There will be a full moon while I’m at the beach this weekend.
How awesome is that?
I already have photographs formulating in my head….
I hope they work out.
I hope to get a few of these while I’m at the beach…
nothing like watching the sun rise over the Atlantic.
I don’t want to get a sunburn.
I have fallen in love with my backyard…
…once again.
It happens every year.
I have a ripened tomato….well, almost.
It will be delicious ~ I just know it.
‘Cause I grew it….all by myself.
There is mad construction going on….all around the building I work in.
Why do construction guys with the biggest belly’s
have to pull their shirts up to wipe their faces
when they are right in front of our window?
Not at all attractive guys!
I’m not including a photograph of that…
….you’re welcome.

6512 and growing
Luscious pictures. Congrats on a June-ripened tomato!
Magikal Folk
I think the fact it turned Africa hot recently helped it along.
Tracey of These Nine Acres
Yes, thank you for that. Very thoughtful ;0) I am no so in love with my back yard as we are in desperate need of some rain…everything here is turning brown.
Magikal Folk
Agreed….lack of rain and this unbelievable heat is turning things brown around here as well. I’m hopeful I can keep things alive until we get some relief.