Outside My Window ~ 4.24.11
Outside my window…the end of a beautiful, albeit very hot day. Very hot. At 7:00 in the evening it is 85°F as the sun is setting. I think our high was close to 90°F. That is too hot for Easter in my opinion…this is mid summer hot, not near the end of April hot. I don’t want to go from winter to summer…please.
I am thinking…that it was a nice day…a nice dinner…and now a nice evening. The entire weekend has been very nice. And because it has been a nice weekend and turning into a nice evening….this is going to be short and sweet.
From my kitchen…today it was potato salad for dinner at my mothers and a Hummingbird Cake to finish after I got home. I made this cake for Easter a couple of years ago and my daughter requested one this year. I was planning on taking it for dinner however I got up a little late this morning so I didn’t get to finish it until I got home. I didn’t take a photograph of today’s cake, but here is an older photograph…
If you would like the recipe….click here. I have also included the directions for the pineapple flowers that are on top. This is about as artistic as I get when it comes to cakes…pineapple flowers and leaves from an ivy plant (washed of course).
I am currently working on…my vacation images and a few other projects….all at once. I need to finish one project and move on to the next. I keep jumping all over the place and it is beginning to aggravate me.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the hum of the ceiling fan that is keeping me cool…a commercial on television.
Plans for the week include…continue working on my vacation photos so I can share some this week….work from home one day this week….more spring cleaning….going to Bluebird Gap Farm to make my second rain barrel on Saturday ~ which reminds me I need to take a measurement off my original one so I can make sure the second hole they drill for me will match up so I can connect these two. Setting this one up should be a lot easier since I will simply be connecting it to my other one. I just need to get some sand and blocks to prepare its resting place. Hopefully with two I won’t run out of water as quickly if we go through a dry spell. Honestly, I can’t say enough about rain barrels. The amount of water that comes off of my roof during a normal rainstorm is amazing.
One of life’s little pleasures…is enjoying a relaxing evening…now if only I didn’t have those few annoying dishes in the sink that needed washing.
From my camera…another oldie…Happy Easter.

The most artistic I get is the icing! Pineapple flowers lol? Love it!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Penny! If the flowers weren’t so easy to make, I would have skipped them.
The Little List
That cake looks divine! So nice to meet you.
Magikal Folk
The cake is divine…so very tasty. Very nice to meet you too!