And another one…
Happy Birthday William & Mary… 319 years old. “On February 8, 1693, King William III and Queen Mary II of England signed the charter for a “perpetual College of Divinity, Philosophy, Languages, and other good Arts and Sciences” to be founded in the Virginia Colony. And William & Mary was born.” ~ College of William and Mary website
Now Available
I now have gift certificates available. Contact me for more information.
Not tonight…
I know I said more Melbourne Beach photos today…except not tonight. I am past tired this evening…and not even sure why. Oh well…..in the next couple of days I will share more photographs with you. For this evening….I love how my oldest looks so tiny in comparison to the Atlantic Ocean and never ending blue sky. I titled this image “In Awe”.
Photo Walk Images
I have a few images from my photo walk on Saturday to share with you…
I want an invitation!
Google Plus…Google’s answer to social media sites like Facebook. Brand new…there are circles to join….chats to experience…and you can hang out with others while using your web cam. Except there is a catch…Google Plus is currently invitation only. I have been reading about it since the debut in June…and I wanted to play. Several blogs I follow had invites to give away ~ but alas I was always too late. The reviews I had read were good…a great photo sharing site…but the gates to the playground remained closed…no invite, no play. Guess who now has 150 invitations to share? Anybody else want to play? If so, leave me a comment or drop me a…
She was PJ to her friends…. …a beautiful soul… …I have no words to express… …how much I will miss talking with you… …how much I will miss laughing with you…sometimes until we cried. There are no words…only tears for now. They will be replaced with laughter and smiles…memories of things we said…things we did…memories. I will miss you forever my friend. Patricia Jean Floyd November 9, 1952 – August 20, 2011 Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep, I am a thousand winds that blow I am the Diamond glints on snow I am the sunlight on ripened grain I am the…
The End
I captured this image at sunset…looking south. I believe this was the back end of the cold front that set off all of the horrible thunderstorms that produced so many tornadoes in the south. There were still some dark clouds around here and there but for the most part, the storms have moved off the coast. The line of storms still looks quite strong off the coast….this was one for the history books. Oddly enough, you couldn’t see the setting sun, it was blocked by cloud cover. These clouds must have been high enough to catch the last gasp of golden color.
You would think…
…I would be more detail oriented…someone who pays attention to numbers. After all, I work in accounting…numbers are my life. So I’m sitting at my desk, eating my lunch when I began to think I have a blogging anniversary coming up. It was around this time of year I began this little blog so I go online to check it out. And I was right, there was a blogging anniversary…..last month! How could I miss that I wondered? It made me wonder if I missed some other milestone….and I did. I missed the 500th post several months ago! Over five hundred times I have sat down at the computer, tippy tapped on the keyboard and then hit publish. All this…
I surrendered…I caved…or the post otherwise known as look what I got…
You may remember my quest to obtain a decent looking camera bag….one that I could use in place of my humongous, ugly camera bag. I had lusted after other camera handbags I had seen online, but their prices were more than I wanted to pay for something I wouldn’t use all the time. True, I do generally carry my camera with me where ever I go, but I didn’t want my everyday handbag to be a camera handbag quite honestly. I just wanted sometime a little more attractive that I could carry when I went to a family function or a restaurant with family and friends that would also protect my camera. While I have no doubt the vendors…
Outside My Window ~ 2.6.11
Outside My Window…is another gorgeous Sunday morning. We have blue skies, sunshine and 45°F at 11:15 a.m.. Our high today won’t be much warmer than it is right now…a little chilly but hovering around our average temperature and it doesn’t feel too bad in the sunshine. We did have quite a bit of rain yesterday morning ~ key word, rain. We have been fortunate to miss the ice and snow everyone else seems to be getting but there is a chance of snow this coming Thursday. That is several days off so I won’t be worrying about it for a few days. I am thinking…about all the things I would like…