One Wedding and Sunflowers
Happy Saturday to you all! If you want to see the best wedding march I have seen, check out this link….sorry, I haven’t quite figured out the embedding so you will have to click and leave me for a few minutes….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-94JhLEiN0 So you’re back now…..wasn’t that a hoot!
I also have some more sunflowers to show you……..yes, yes, I know you have seen them before ~ but not these!
If you click on the image, you can see a larger size of it….or you can check out all my sunflowers at The Great Sunflower Project set I have set up on Flickr. Click on the smaller…
Outside My Window ~ 7.19.09
Outside My Window…is me. I’m sitting outside again this morning. At 8:30, it is 74 degrees, but it is humid. There is a slight breeze so that makes it better. Mostly sunny, with some random clouds floating overhead and blocking the sun momentarily. I have had my run…I can do 2.25 miles in about a half an hour now so I have decided I can run 3 miles on the weekends ~ after today. The weekly morning runs, well their length depends on what time I roll out of bed.
I am thinking…about entering my first bee data on The Great Sunflower Project web site later today. Yup, I…
Outside My Window ~ 7.12.09
Outside My Window…actually, I am sitting on my back patio ‘outside my window’……errr, sliding glass doors. I have finished my 2.25 run on this beautiful, 78 degree, fairly muggy morning. And oh yes, it was hot when I was running. As I said, I am now in my tiny backyard enjoying a cup of blackberry sage iced tea (in my cool Catalina Island cup ~ ahhhh, Avalon ~ thanks Doo!) as I cool down. I thought “why not” sit out here and do my thing because after the run this morning, it actually feels nice and cool sitting here.
I am thinking…why a couple of my tomato leaves on…
Outside My Window ~ 7.5.09
Outside My Window…is cloudy and about 75 degrees. I think we are at our forecasted high for the day. They are predicting thunderstorms and rain….possibly one to two inches of rain. It is a bit eerie…..the “quiet before the storm” eerie…..outside right now. Kind of still, quiet ~ no activity in the neighborhood at the moment which adds to the eerie feeling as well. I am thinking…I’m going to need a step-ladder to see my sunflowers if they keep growing like they have been. The Lemon Queen sunflowers I received from the Great Sunflower Project are gigantic! They grow at an amazing rate, especially lately. The flowers are now beginning…
A Run Through The Neighborhood….
One of the nice things about running through your neighborhood is the sites you see……the different flowers, different wildlife, different ways people landscape their yards, and of course the people. There is a couple (he is a massage therapist and personal trainer, she is a teacher) that gets up early and run….some mornings they are sitting on their porch enjoying a beverage afterwards and are always quick to shout “hello, how are you” and “you’re looking good, keep up the great work” as I run past. A little encouragement never hurt anyone! During my run this morning, I was thinking about what kind of post I could do today….and I thought why not…
A Second Look
Remember the backyard nightmare I had in early April……… ……..that eventually got better……….. …….is looking pretty good now……….
Saturday Snapshots
I worked outside most of the day today…….pulling up lots of grass that suddenly appeared in the corner garden and tackling the front garden. I thought I would share some photos with you……. This is the corner garden I triumphantly removed the stump from several weeks back. The jasmine plant I put here is doing well…..loving the new home. And the violets too. Bottom right corner you can see the sunflowers. Here is another shot…… These are the sunflowers I planted from the seeds I received from The Great Sunflower Project I had posted earlier. I hope some of you sent off for them and yours are growing too. And check…
Outside My Window ~ 5.3.09
Outside My Window…is a rather gloomy looking morning. Temps are at 63 degrees, cloudy with some fog lingering outside. Our forecast today does not improve as the day goes on ~ chance of thunderstorms. I am thinking…about an old friend this morning, Shaun Sargent. I received news last night that he has passed after suffering a heart attack and lapsing into a coma about a week ago. While I say he was an “old” friend, he was actually a few years younger than I am. I met him in 1985 when I moved from Denver to Dallas. Shaun was a longtime friend of my ex-husbands and opened his home…
Finally….. I completed the corner of the flower bed on the side of the house yesterday. That one little corner took as long to do as the entire rest of the bed! Part of the reason, I was digging up a lot of small tree stumps and one very large red tip bush stump. The bush died some time back but the stump has held fast for several years. But yesterday ~ success! Yea baby, I feel like Hercules…..or I guess I should say Herculita.
Before……as well as the bush stump (see white arrow), all of the little Mimosa tree stumps needed to be removed. I don’t know how these trees keep…
Outside My Window ~ 4.26.09
Outside My Window…is a warm morning already. It is around 8:30 and we are already at 71 degrees outside. We have brilliant blue skies and a very slight breeze. Our high is forecasted for 91 degrees today. If the water temps at the beach weren’t still in the 50’s or 60’s, I might consider the beach!
I am thinking…about how glad I am I finally finished the corner of the flower bed yesterday. It was a chore to say the least. Now all that remains are the front beds, which fortunately are not that bad! I am thankful for…being able to spend some time with Papa and Nina this…